Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Special Classes During the Week

Monday Vocabulary Test, Chinese or ESL Class, Library Time, Clubs (3:00-4:00)

Tuesday  Computers, Music, Activities (3:00-4:00)

Wednesday P.E., Clubs (3:00-4:00)

Thursday  Chinese or ESL, Activities (3:00-4:00)

Friday P.E., Music, Activities (3:00-4:00)

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Letter to the Parents

Dear Parents,

My name is James Anderson and I would like to tell you how excited I am to be teaching your child and would also like to welcome your child to an exciting year in the second grade. Let me introduce myself. This is my first year at Hsinchu International School but I have been teaching elementary school children for the past 5 years.  I am originally from America, born in Pennsylvania and raised just north of Milwaukee, Wisconsin.  During high school I moved out west and attended Oregon State University in Corvallis, Oregon where I received a Batcher of Science degree in forestry recourses.
After university, I went to Florence Italy to earn my TEFL degree (Teach English as a Foreign Language).  It was there that I found my passion for teaching. I taught in Cusco, Peru and then South Korea before moving to Taiwan where I completed a Master’s Degree in Education from Framingham State University and earned an Elementary Teaching Certificate from the College of New Jersey. When I am not working I enjoy traveling, reading, playing ultimate frisbee, gardening, and spending time with my wife.  
To me, the best thing about being in the classroom is the children.  Their enthusiasm for learning makes every class fun and challenging for me.   A student-centered approach to teaching, emphasizing learning by experience is something I truly believe in.  By organizing the classroom in such a way that removes the “spotlight” from myself, instead focusing on the students and giving them the opportunity to participate actively in our lessons, I believe their interest in the subject matter can be inspired and stimulated. 

In my classroom students are encouraged to voice their own opinions, questions, and make connections to their real lives, making lessons meaningful to them.  By turning both the schoolyard and local community into classrooms, I feel that the gap between both the school and real lives of the students can be bridged and strengthened, adding further value to the classroom learning environment. I prescribe to the “small island grouping” philosophy of desk placement in my classroom. Students sit in small groups of four, facing each other rather than the white board.  This promotes peer communication, collaboration, and a more “family-like” atmosphere in the classroom, as students are encouraged to work cooperatively during activities.

Being respectful, responsible, and cooperative are the three “umbrella” rules that I implement in my classroom.  They are posted on a board and are clearly visible to all students.  I have found that these rules can be applied to any situation and are effective in further establishing the community atmosphere.

I look forward to developing a strong partnership with you over the course of the school year, which I believe can only further enhance the learning possibilities for the children.  I will be using this blog to communicate and post important information about the class, please refer to this blog on a regular basis and feel free to post comments or email me with any quistions you may have.


James Anderson