Journal Entry Topics

1.       What are you most and least excited about in the second grade?
2.       What do you want to learn about in the second grade?
3.       What is your favorite game? Think about indoor games, outdoor games, board games, car games, and more!
4.       Write about your favorite subject in school.
5.       What is your least favorite subject?
6.       What do you want to be when you grow up? What might you do at this job?
7.       What is your favorite holiday and why?
8.       Remember your favorite holiday and write what traditions you and your family have?
9.       What qualities do you look for in a friend?
10.  How do you try to be a good friend to others?
11.  Have you ever had to apologize for something you did? How did you feel before and after the apology?
12.  Describe a typical day in your life. Use 2 sensory details (sight, sound, touch, smell and taste) to make your daily experience come to life.
13.  Describe a "fantasy" day in your life. If you could design a whole day to do anything and everything you wanted, what would you choose to do?
14.  If you could choose one superpower to have for a day, what would you select? Describe in detail your activities as a superhero.
15.  Should children have strict bedtimes? What do you think is a fair bedtime for children your age and why?

16.Write about your brothers and sisters. If you don't have any, do you wish you did?
17.What do you think is the "perfect" age to be? If you could choose one age and stay that age forever, what would you choose?
18.Do you have any nicknames? Describe where the nicknames came from and what they mean to you. If you don’t have one can you think of one and write about why that would be a good nickname.
19.Write about what you do on the weekends. How do your weekends differ from your weekdays?
20.What are your favorite foods? Describe how it feels to eat each of the foods.
21.What are your least favorite foods? Describe how it feels to eat each of the foods.
22.What is your favorite season? Describe how you feel during that season.
23.What is your favorite type of weather? Write about activities you do during this kind of weather.
24.I am afraid to _______ because…
25.Name one thing you do really well and describe it in detail.
26.Describe what it means to be a good neighbor?
27.What is your favorite time of day and why?
28.Describe your best day ever? Give lots of details explaining why.
29.How do you deal with people who bug you?
30.What excites you and why?

31.What is your favorite song and why?
32.I wish there were a law that said ___________ because…
33.I wish I could forget the time I ___________ because….
34.Older people are…
35.Younger people are…
36.The perfect place in the whole wide world is…
37.What makes you feel sad and why?
38.What can you do to help you feel better when you’re feeling blue?
39.Name your favorite book and why.
40.Walking in the rain is…
41.I am proud of myself because__________
42.For lunch today…
43.If I were a turtle, I’d…
44.If I were a ________, I’d…
45.Pretend that you can fly whenever you wanted.  Where would you go?

46.My favorite toy is…
47.Use descriptive words like amazing, incredible, outrageous, super-fun or mind-blowing while writing about your favorite activity of all time.
48.If I could choose a different name, I would choose ________ because…
49.Let’s go _______________.  Describe your adventure.
50.What would happen if animals could talk? What questions would you like to ask them?
51.Imagine that you can become invisible whenever you wanted to. What are some of the things you would do?
52.What would you do if you were the last person on earth?
53.What would you do if you could fly?
54.What is your dream vacation? Why?
55.What would you eat if you were on a deserted island?  How would you catch your food?

Every Journal must have…..
·        Title
·        Date
·        Introduction sentence
·        Conclusion sentence
·        Capital letters and ending marks – ! ? .
You may draw a picture if you want.
Try your best in spelling but your ideas are more important than spelling every word right.
If you do not like my topic you may chose your own, but make sure to write your title.
Write as much as you can. If you get stuck try   to think of who, when, why, where, and how.

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