Introduction to the teacher

My name is James Anderson and this is my fourth year teaching the second grade class at Hsinchu International School. I am from the US - born in Pennsylvania and went to university in Oregon where I earned a Bachelor of Science in Forestry Resources. I have a Master's Degree in International Education from Framingham State University in Connecticut and an Elementary Teaching Certificate from the College of New Jersey.

I have 7 years of experience teaching children at the elementary level. I love to travel and have held teaching positions in Peru, South Korea prior to moving to Taiwan. When I am not at school I enjoy reading, playing ultimate frisbee, gardening, traveling and spending time with my wife.

My teaching philosophy is very simple – to help motivate students to become lifelong learners. And a very important aspect of lifelong learning is to enjoy the process of it. As a teacher, I do my best to inspire the students and make sure that they have fun while learning. 

One thing I also recognize is how important my job is as an elementary educator. Elementary kids have many more years of education to come; it is imperative to show them that learning is fun and is vital for who we are. Apart from providing a safe and comfortable learning environment, I also strive to give them the foundation of a great learning experience upon which they will build their future schooling for the years to come.

Please email me ( if you have any questions or concerns. I'll reply to your email as quickly as possible.


James Anderson
2nd Grade Teacher
Hsinchu International School

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