Friday, October 22, 2010

Week 9

Dear Parents,

Students have been busy this week getting ready for Halloween, Beauty and the Beast, and their regular subjects. 

First I've decided to push back the date when the students are to do their "animal presentation" to Monday (10/25). With some extra practice the students will be more prepared for what they are going to present on.

Spelling words for the test on Monday are as follows: blind, sting, fright, wind, hint, ripe, shine, inch, sigh, built.

I hope to see you on Halloween Day (10/27) at 9:00am at the basketball court outside.

Have a great weekend and thanks for all the support you are giving your child at home.

James Anderson

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Small Change

Dear Parents,

The Reading Test has been moved to Friday 10/22 to allow more time to prepare.

Halloween is a week from Wednesday and the class wanted to remind you that you are invited to see all the students in their costume and listen to their song. This will begin at 9:00 on the basketball court.

We are all having a great week and we hope that you are too!

James Anderson

Friday, October 15, 2010

Week 8 Tests

Dear Parents,

Just a quick note of upcoming tests for week 8.

Math test over units 5-6 on Monday
Spelling test on Monday - brick, skill, lift, pride, grind, still, crime, flight, live, build
Reading test on Wednesday
Handwriting "fl" "ke" on Thursday

We will also be starting a new Social Studies Unit regarding Family. The students will be asked next week to bring in information about their family and any pictures they could use for a family tree (we will be using a photocopied photo not the original).

Have a good weekend,

James Anderson

Friday, October 8, 2010

News in 2nd Grade

Dear Parents,

We had a fun and eventful week!
On Monday we all enjoyed our visit to the library for a read-a-loud from Mr. Coyl.  Students are now able to check out books from the library and have 2 weeks to return them.  The students have also enjoyed choosing an animal and doing research on what makes it interesting. Finally students have been enjoying practicing their dance for the play Beauty and the Beast.

We have also been working hard this week!

In Social Studies we completed our unit on maps, and we are looking forward to starting our independent research projects on animals - you will be hearing more about this soon! In Math we finished up Chapter 5 and have started to work on the number concepts and patterns chapter, which is a lot of fun! In Language Arts many of us are really enjoying our story time, and just can’t stop reading! In our written work, we have been working on our writing process, using prewriting, drafting, revising, proofreading and publishing to make a well thought out personal narrative.   Ask your child if they can share their journal with you!

Halloween is coming up and we would like invite all the parents into school on Wednesday the 27th of October from 9:00-12:00 in the morning.  There will be  a school wide showing off of costumes from 9:00-10:00am on the basketball court and then from 10:30-12:00 our class will be running an activity for all elementary students to stop by our class and participate in.

Jacob, Kevin Y. Mackin and Ashley's parents have volunteered to assist during this day to help with the class party. The class activity will be a "gross touch and guess it" theme where children will stick their hands through a cloth and have to guess what gross thing they are touching. This is where I'll need your help, please bring in gross things to be put in a bin (which I have) that can be touched by the children (sticky things, jello like things, or anything that you think will feel weird to the non-seeing eye). Candy or other treats will also be nice to have to share with the students. If you're not sure what to bring please email me.  Thank you in advance to everyone who will help.

Finally a thank you to all our parents who have been signing your child's communication book and the completed tests. We are looking forward to the upcoming celebrations over the next few months (Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas). It has been a busy time for us all, and the children love to include their family.
Have a great weekend! Remember NO school on Monday for students.
Mr. Anderson

Special points of interest:
- Please remember to send  water bottles with students everyday.
- Check Assignment Books daily.
-  Some students have lost or broken their red pen; please ensure you child has one to use in class.
- Make sure to email me in  advance if your child is going to be absent!

Spelling List:
Double Vowel and Consonant Blends
Differentiated spelling lists will be sent home on Monday after the test. Week 7 test
will be on Tuesday this week. Spelling words are: peach, sweet, feast, cream, fresh, free, reach, kept, spent, field

Other upcoming tests for next week are:
- Math Chapter 6 on Thursday
- Science Chapter 2 on Friday

Mon - Chinese, Library, Club
Tues - Computers, Music
Wed -  PE, CLub
Thurs - Chinese
Fri - PE, Music

Topics of the Week

Language Arts:
Next week we will be continuing to improve our writing process by focusing on sequencing and organization of paragraphs.
In reading we will be focusing on making predictions, and continuing in our quest to be a fabulous independent reader!

We will be finishing Unit 6 and beginning Unit 7 next week. We will be continuing to work on Number Concepts and Patterns and starting to look at Geometry and Fractions.

Social Studies/Science
We have finished our Social Studies unit on maps and have started a science unit on classifying and studying animals . We have also started to do research about an animal of our choice.  I look forward to seeing their published project being displayed around the school once we are finished.


Friday, October 1, 2010

Week 6 tests

Dear Parents,

Up coming tests for week 6 (October 4-8) are as follows.

Spelling test on Monday. We are moving away from sight words and starting to have words we learned in class which can be harder words to spell. Your child might need to study longer for this test (why, wish, work, would, write, your, punctuation, exclamation, compass rose, conclusion).

Handwriting test on Thursday.

English test on Friday. Unit 3 test from English book

Thank you for all your support.

James Anderson