Thursday, April 28, 2011

May 2-6

The students presentation on Taiwan was on Thursday. There has been a huge improvement with all students in giving presentations since the beginning of the year. Great job everyone. Thank you to the parents who came in for that.

Notes for May 2 - 6

Monday is the spelling test on the following words: beauty, ugly, lazy, marry, ready, sorry, empty, honey, valley, movie

Wednesday will be the Sports day (Students will be informed on Monday what color they will need to wear on that day).
11:00-11:30 Lunch
12:00-3:00 Sports day Races
3:00-4:00 Club or Soccer Game

Math Test will be on Friday on Chapter 17

Have a great week!

James Anderson

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Blue HIS top

There has been a few changes on the Museum Schedule due to the theater times. I'll have a schedule for you tomorrow if you are attending.

8:45 - Depart from School

10:15 - Arrive at Science Museum (bathroom visit)

10:20 - 11:30 Walk around the Environmental Hall

11:30 Bird's Eye View Theater (12 minutes)

11:45 -12:20 Lunch

12:20 -13:10 - Walk around the Life Science Center

13:10-13:20 Make our way to IMAX and bathroom break

13:20 - 14:20 Everest IMAX

14:20 - 14-45 Walk around the Life Science Center

14:45 - Bathroom stop

15:00 Depart from Museum

16:30 Arrive back at school


1) Jonah, Jasper, Jonah's Dad
2) Ashley, Annie, Ashley's Mom
3) Michelle, Emily, Michelle's Mom
4) Tommy, Mackin, Mrs. Fay
5) Jacob, Angus, Eric, Mr. Anderson

Dear Parents,

Just a quick note. All students are to wear their blue HIS shirt with them to the museum on Friday so they can be easily located.

Thank you.

James Anderson

Monday, April 18, 2011

Dear Parents,

It was good to chat with so many of you this week. Please let me know if you would like to follow up with anything that we discussed (

May 9-13 are the Iowa testing dates, please try not to plan any vacation days during this week as it is difficult to make up the tests.

Notes for next week

Spelling Test on Monday on the following words:
dimmed, rubbing, striped, wasting, traced, stripped, tanning,
smelling, phoning, fainted

Thursday will be the presentations on Taiwan. Students will briefly
share information they have research about Taiwan which includes telling the class about one famous Taiwanese Person,
one Famous Building in Taiwan, and at least 5 interesting facts they have learned.

* I would like to invite you the parents (or anyone else who would be interested) to watch the students presentation this time. Please come to the school at 1:50pm on Thursday (4/28) . They will end at 2:50.

Friday April 29th is the field trip to Taichung Science
Center (the bus leaves school at 8:45am)

This is the Schedule for the day based on student interest and relation to classroom topics.

8:45 - Depart from School

10:15 - Arrive at Science Museum
(bathroom visit)

10:20 - 11:30 Walk around the Environmental Hall

11:00 Bird's Eye View Theater (12 minutes)

11:30 -12:00 SOS Theater - watch Global Warming Reflections

12:00- 12:30 Lunch

12:30- 13:10 Walk around the Life Science Center

13:10-13:20 Make our way to IMAX and bathroom break

13:20 - 14:20 Everest IMAX

14:20 - 14-45 Walk around the Life Science Center

14:45 - Bathroom stop

15:00 Depart from Museum

16:30 Arrive back at school

Have have great week!

Friday, April 15, 2011

April 18-22

The second grade class had a very busy and successful week. Most students really enjoyed making a pottery dish and decorating it.

We started a new Social Studies unit where we are researching important and interesting facts about Taiwan. Lot's of discovery happened about the country we are all living in. The students will present their findings to the class during the last week in April.

We also finished our last chapter in the English book and Chapter 8 in Science. They will be
tested on both of these next week (4/18-4/22)

Also next week will be Parent Teacher Meeting on Tuesday and Wednesday (4/19-4/20). I look forward to seeing you again, it seems like ages ago since the last Parent Teacher Meeting.

Next Friday is also the Easter Egg hunt and Earth Day.

We will be starting a new Math Unit on Measurement. Please ensure that your child has a ruler with inches and centimeters.

Test Dates for April 18-22

Monday will be the Spelling test on the following words; dancing, skipped, hiking, flipped, snapping, raced, landed, pleasing, checking, dared.

Monday will also be the Science Test on Chapter 8, (Seasons and Weather)

Wednesday will be the English Test on Unit 9

Have a great weekend and see you next week.

James Anderson

Friday, April 1, 2011

April 11-15

Dear Parents,

Hopefully everyone is having an enjoyable break so far. I've given some homework over the break (see stapled worksheet in homework book) but if your child in busy traveling or taking other classes it is not necessary to complete everything. They are to do as much as they have time for.

Days of note for the week of April 11-15

Monday - spelling test on the following words, towel, cancel, battle, candle, trouble, handle, simple, uncle, title, cattle.

Wednesday - Math quiz on chapter 16

Wednesday is also the pottery day

Thursday - Handwriting test

Friday Math test on Unit 6

Have a good break.

James Anderson