Friday, April 15, 2011

April 18-22

The second grade class had a very busy and successful week. Most students really enjoyed making a pottery dish and decorating it.

We started a new Social Studies unit where we are researching important and interesting facts about Taiwan. Lot's of discovery happened about the country we are all living in. The students will present their findings to the class during the last week in April.

We also finished our last chapter in the English book and Chapter 8 in Science. They will be
tested on both of these next week (4/18-4/22)

Also next week will be Parent Teacher Meeting on Tuesday and Wednesday (4/19-4/20). I look forward to seeing you again, it seems like ages ago since the last Parent Teacher Meeting.

Next Friday is also the Easter Egg hunt and Earth Day.

We will be starting a new Math Unit on Measurement. Please ensure that your child has a ruler with inches and centimeters.

Test Dates for April 18-22

Monday will be the Spelling test on the following words; dancing, skipped, hiking, flipped, snapping, raced, landed, pleasing, checking, dared.

Monday will also be the Science Test on Chapter 8, (Seasons and Weather)

Wednesday will be the English Test on Unit 9

Have a great weekend and see you next week.

James Anderson

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