Tuesday, January 31, 2012

1/31 Homework

Homework: Read for 30 minutes, Social Studies - Practice for presentation, English Grammar WB 50-53, Math - Sign quiz.

Monday, January 30, 2012

1/30 homework

Climb higher in semester 2

Reminder to bring the second semester club forms to school if you haven't already.

Homework: Read for 30 minutes, Reading Comprehension "101 new pets for Aunt Lee" Spelling write sentences for new words (sailor, harbor, weather, ladder, cellar, chapter, suffer, proper, favor, beggar) Math Review for chapter 12 quiz

Friday, January 20, 2012

Congratulations to all the students for a very successful completion of Semester 1!

Second Grade Homework for Chinese New Year Break - January 21-29

Practice your presentation on Hsinchu based on your opinions and interesting facts. We will have presentations on Wednesday 1st February.

For this presentation, you need to give an introduction sentence memorize 3 interesting facts you learned about Hsinchu give two opinions you have about living in Hsinchu give a conclusion sentence.

Spelling - Review for quiz

Read 30 minutes from a book every day and read out loud to someone (mom, dad, friend, brother, sister, cat, fish, etc.) for 15 minutes every other day. Don’t forget to log the minutes in your library journal.

Two journal entries:
1) Write about a book that you have read include the setting, characters, and give a small summary.
2) What have you been doing over the break so far?

Congratulations to Ee Heng Kok for being this week's Student of the Week. Even after the Read-a-thon he continues to be a reading machine!

Amazing Reader!

Congratulations to Richard Tsai for winning first place in the Dragon drawing competition. His dragon will be displayed in the library along with all the grade winners.

Dragon Drawing Winner

January 30 - February 3 (First Week Back)
Monday Spelling Quiz; railroad, everywhere, homesick, fireplace, ourselves, forever, breakfast, meanwhile, nationwide, motorcycle
Tuesday Math Chapter 12 quiz
Wednesday Presentation on Hsinchu
Friday Reading quiz

As we start the new semester please ensure you have all the supplies stocked and ready to go

Student Supply List
1 box of Markers
1 box of Crayons
1 box of Pencil Crayons
1 Glue Stick
1 Fat Eraser
1 Ruler
1 Pair of Small Scissors
3-5 Pencils (Sharpened)
2 Red Pens
1 water bottle
1 box of tissues

End of semester reports have been sent home with the students today. Have a wonderful Chinese New Year and I'm looking forward to seeing you for the start of semester 2!

James Anderson

Let the year of the dragon begin!

Dragon Drawings

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

1/16 Homework

Homework: Read for 30 minutes, Reading WB 160-163, English Grammar WB 48-49

* Wednesday is all red clothes day to mark Chinese New Year.

* If you have not completed and handed in the club form for next semester please do so as soon as possible.

Monday, January 16, 2012

1/16 Homework

Homework: Read for 30 minutes, write sentences for new spelling words (railroad, everywhere, homesick, fireplace, ourselves, forever, breakfast, meanwhile, nationwide, motorcycle) Reading Comprehension WB "The Bat"

Friday, January 13, 2012

January 16-20

Historical mark - Last week of the first semester!

I would like to congratulate all the students for the successful
Read-a-thon. The class logged over 6,600 extra minutes of reading
during the activity. Also, a special thank you for all the help from
the parents for aiding in calculating the minutes and helping to
collect the money from the sponsors. Finally thank you to all the
sponsors for supporting the students.

This week has been a busy one for our second grade class. In Social
Studies, we continued to research information about Hsinchu and
started writing the first draft of a paper using that information. In
Math, we finished Chapter 11 and started Chapter 12 on subtraction.
In English, we continued to work on Unit 5 Verbs. In Reading we
finished the last story in our Adventures Reading Book.

Next week we will be finishing the Reading Practice Book and
completing the Hsinchu entry onto the students' portfolio. We will
also be concentrating on Chinese New Year activities which will
include a Dragon drawing and the construction of a Chinese Lantern. On
Wednesday the whole school should wear the color red and on Friday they should bring their
own chopsticks to eat lunch.

Congratulations to Tom Lu for being the Student of the Week! He has
been very responsible while working independently.

Student of the Week

Next weeks quiz
- Monday Spelling Quiz: chore, curve, curl, thoroughbred, enormous,
hurdle, foreign, firm, pure, course

Second Graders Reading Tip
Decoding words
Your second-grader should be able to recognize a growing number of
words, using knowledge of word structures and letter-sound
relationships and a variety of strategies to read. Not only do
second-graders develop skills to hear and say separate sounds in
words, but they also use patterns to decode words. Second graders
should be able to read new words by breaking them into syllables. They should also be learning the meanings of many
frequently used prefixes and suffixes.

Which book shall I choose?

Great Book!

Secondary Book Drive

1/13 Homework

Homework: Read for 30 minutes, Math WB 12.4, Spelling Study for quiz, Social Studies Finish first draft of story. If you're finished try to improve your story by adding more detail.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Homework 1/12

Homework: Read for 30 minutes, Math WB 12.3, Reading Comprehension WB "First Airplane Trip"

Last day to hand in Read-a-thon forms. Thank you for all your support!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

1/11 Homework

Homework: Math WB 12.1-12.2, Reading WB 149-157, Read for 30 minutes.

*Read-a-thon forms and $ due by this Friday.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

1/10 Homework

Homework: Read for 30 minutes and log in library journal, English Blackline Master 45-46, Journal "What do you like and not like about living in Hsinchu?"

Bring Read-a-thon folder in by Friday (1/13)

Happy Birthday Tom!

Monday, January 9, 2012

Richard: Tom: Ee Heng: Victoria: Ayane: Aoi: Wilson: Michael: Yvette:

1/9 Homework

Homework: Math Review for unit 4 test, sign chapter 11 quiz, Spelling Writing sentences for new words, English Grammar WB 46-47, Science sign test.

Read-a-thon forms with money collected is due on Friday 1/13

Friday, January 6, 2012

1/6 Homework

Homework: English Grammar WB 43-45, Spelling review words for quiz, Reading Journal "I'm afraid to _____ because...."

Please help your child complete the Read-a-thon Sponsor form and start collecting the money. All money is due by next Friday (1/13).

Thursday, January 5, 2012

January 9-13

Welcome back second grade stars! I hope that everyone had a nice
holiday. I was very impressed with how prepared everyone was on

It has been a very productive week. In Science, we finished Chapter 7
on Rocks, Soils and Fossils; and in Math, we concluded Chapter 11.
The students have made a PowerPoint Presentation of their stories in
Computer Class. I will put these presentations on my blog shortly for
all to enjoy.

Next week we will start a new Social Studies unit on cultures. For
this unit students will be researching information on Hsinchu and will present to the class the information they have found. During this unit of study I encourage all parents to share interesting facts or special things that you know about Hsinchu with your child.

Congratulations to Ayane Kono for being this week's Student of the
Week! She has gone above and beyond in reading for the Read-a-thon.

Student of the Week
Dates to remember (January 9-13)
- Monday Spelling Quiz: gear, spear, weird, starve, charm, beard,
spare, charge, startle, marvel Monday Handwriting Quiz on the letters
- Tuesday Unit 4 Test in Math
Please see the instructions below on filling out the Read-a-thon form. All of the sponsers donations are to be handed back by Friday (1/13) in an envelop along with the student sponsor form. Thank you for encouraging your child to read and for assisting in the Read-a-thon.

1/5 Homework

Homework: Math Review for Chapter 11 quiz, Science Review for Chapter 7 quiz, English Grammar WB 39-42

Last day to log minutes for Read-a-thon. Tomorrow we will add up all the minutes.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Homework 1/4

Homework: Read for 30 minutes, English WB Blackline Master 41-44, Comprehension WB "Superhero Joey".

Only 2 more days of collecting read-a-thon minutes!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Welcome Back to the Second Grade!

Homework 1/3: Reading Read for 30 minutes, Comprehension WB "Reading Forever", Spelling Write new sentences.

Only three more days to log minutes for the read-a-thon.