Thursday, January 5, 2012

January 9-13

Welcome back second grade stars! I hope that everyone had a nice
holiday. I was very impressed with how prepared everyone was on

It has been a very productive week. In Science, we finished Chapter 7
on Rocks, Soils and Fossils; and in Math, we concluded Chapter 11.
The students have made a PowerPoint Presentation of their stories in
Computer Class. I will put these presentations on my blog shortly for
all to enjoy.

Next week we will start a new Social Studies unit on cultures. For
this unit students will be researching information on Hsinchu and will present to the class the information they have found. During this unit of study I encourage all parents to share interesting facts or special things that you know about Hsinchu with your child.

Congratulations to Ayane Kono for being this week's Student of the
Week! She has gone above and beyond in reading for the Read-a-thon.

Student of the Week
Dates to remember (January 9-13)
- Monday Spelling Quiz: gear, spear, weird, starve, charm, beard,
spare, charge, startle, marvel Monday Handwriting Quiz on the letters
- Tuesday Unit 4 Test in Math
Please see the instructions below on filling out the Read-a-thon form. All of the sponsers donations are to be handed back by Friday (1/13) in an envelop along with the student sponsor form. Thank you for encouraging your child to read and for assisting in the Read-a-thon.

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