Monday, April 30, 2012

4/30 Homework

Homework: Read for 30 minutes, Spelling write sentences for new words (bold, apologize, share, scissors, beaver, drain, brownie, chain, sprinkler, clover)

* Green World trip is tomorrow.
 Please be at school and in the class by 8:20 so we are ready to get on the bus at 8:30. A lunch box will be provided for each student but students may bring there own lunch and/or snack. Also please bring a water bottle, hat, pencil and an umbrella or raincoat and wear their HIS shirt.
We will visit different areas as a class and we will aim to watch the animal stars show at 11:30 followed by lunch at the Green World Plaza at 12:00.

Friday, April 27, 2012

April 30 - May 4

What a great job experimenting and presenting at the Science Fair this week! Please enjoy the photos below if you were not able to attend. 

Next week will be highlighted by the school field trip to Green World. Please ensure your child is at school by 8:20 so we are all ready to leave on the bus at 8:30. 

In Math class we continued to learn about measurements and next week we finish chapter 18 and take the unit 7 tests. In Science we finished our chapter on Matter and started a new Social Studies chapter on Countries. 

Next week in Reading we will focus on reading a chapter book called "The Cool Crazy Crickets" and in English class we edited and started writing the final draft of our description writing using similes.  

Next week we will continue to take the practice exam for the IOWA tests which will be held from May 7-11. More information about IOWA schedule will be posted in next weeks blog. 

Congratulations to Ee Heng Kok for being this weeks student of the week. Ee Heng has been a great helper to other students and teachers. Keep it up! 

Student of the week

April 30 - May 4
Monday Spelling quiz (dial, blurry, submarine, dim, depart, carpenter, pattern, sway, employee, spy)
Tuesday Field trip to Green World
Wednesday Math Quiz on chapter 18 measurement
Friday Math test on Unit 7

This month the annual government Outstanding Student Awards were given to one child from each of our elementary school classes.  Students are selected by their schools based on several criteria including character, extra-curricular involvement and academics. Well done Richard Tsai!

Have a wonderful weekend. 

Best Wishes,
James Anderson

4/27 Homework

Homework: Read for 30 minutes, Spelling review for quiz, Math WB 18.6-18.7, Journal "I wish I could ____ because...." or you may pick your own journal topic.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

4/26 Homework

Homework: Read for 30 minutes, Reading WB 272-275, Math WB 18.4 (First 2 pages only) and 18.5

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

4/25 Homework

Homework: Read for 30 minutes, Reading WB 267-270, Math WB 18.3 (3 pages), Science review for chapter 10 quiz.

Great job on the Science Fair today!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Homework 4/24

Homework: Read for 30 minutes, Science Practice presentation for Science Fair, Math WB

* Science Fair - Second graders will present between 10:45 - 11:45 tomorrow in the basement. Hope you see you there.

*Thank you to those who have already brought in the Green World field trip form. If you haven't could you please bring them by the end of this week so the school can get a count for the buses. Thank you.

Monday, April 23, 2012

4/23 Homework

Homework: Read for 30 minutes, Science practice presentation for Science Fair, Spelling write sentences for new words.

Ray's Birthday Party!

Friday, April 20, 2012

April 23-27

Dear Second Grade Blog Followers,

It was wonderful to talk with so many parents during the parent/teacher meetings this week. If you would like to follow up with anything we discussed please feel free to stop by after school hours or send me an email.

This week in class was highlighted by pottery day and the preparation for the Science Fair. In Math we finished the chapter on Measurement and started chapter 18 which is on Weight, Capacity and Temperature. This also works well with our Science unit on Changing Matter which, we will finish next week. Next week is also the Science Fair and parents are welcome to come in and watch the second graders present their project. See the schedule below.  

Science Fair Schedule
8:30 - 9:00  Set up
9:00 - 10:15 Grades 4-6 present their projects
10:45 - 11:45 Grades 1-3 present their projects
11:45 - 12:00 Clean up

Next week in Social Studies we will start a new unit titled "We are one Country" and focus on map reading. In Reading this week we read a wonderful story called "Thunder Cake" and next week we will read two stories and compare and contrast them, the stories are called "A Curve in the River" and "Slippery Siblings". Next week we will also have a practice test for the IOWA test which will be held from May 7-11 in order for students to familiarize themselves with the test format.

Congratulations to Tom Lu for being this week's Student of the Week. Tom did a great job on his descriptive writing this week. Keep it up!
Student of the Week

April 23-27

Monday Spelling quiz (transparent, immerse, coax, transfer, greasy, sling, slick, reed, pierce, novel)
Monday is Ray's and Mr. Anderson's birthday! 
Tuesday is Chapter 10 Science quiz
Wednesday is the Science Fair
Friday Monthly assembly 

*May 1st field trip to Green World, more information to come on this. In the meantime here is the website

Have a great weekend. 

Pottery Day

4/20 Homework

Homework: Read for 30 minutes, Math WB 18.1 (4 pages), Spelling Review for quiz, Reading WB 263-266.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

4/19 Homework

Homework: Read for 30 minutes, Reading WB 260-262, English If you haven't done so please finish the first draft of your description paper, remember to use at least 3 similes.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

4/18 Homework

Homework: Read for 30 minutes,Reading WB 256-259, Math sign quiz

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

4/17 Homework

Homework: Read for 30 minutes, Math Review for chapter 17 quiz, Reading WB 251-255

Monday, April 16, 2012

4/16 Homework

Homework: Read for 30 minutes, Math WB 17.8, Spelling write sentences for new words (transparent, immerse, coax, transfer, greasy, sling, slick, reed, pierce, novel)

* If you have not done so and still wish to, please return the form of your comments for the parent teacher meeting by tomorrow. I will be sending the conformation slip home today with your child.

* On a personal note, my wife is moving to Hsinchu from Taipei this summer.  We have been looking at apartments by the new North Hsinchu Light Rail (北新竹站) station and by ç«¹ç§‘ç«™ near Costco.  If you know of any such apartments available for rent I would love to hear from you. 

Friday, April 13, 2012

April 16-20

Hello again to all 2nd grade blog followers.  Another week of learning and exploring passed by so quickly.  I'm always surprised to see how fast the students are learning and growing. 

You may have noticed the children measuring things in the house as part of our Math chapter on measurement.  Next week we will continue to focus on measurement and will also start a new chapter that focuses on weight, capacity and temperature.  In Reading class we read two stories ("Jalapeno Bagels" and "The Carousel") and next week we will begin the story called "Thunder Cake". 

In English we have started and will continue to write a descriptive story.  In Science we have started and will continue to learn about comparing matter.  We also completed research for the Science projects and next week we will put that information on posters and practice presenting them for the Science Fair which is on April 25th. 

Congratulations to Yvette Coort for being this weeks student of the week. She has been speaking and participating very well in class. Keep it up!

Yvette Coort

Dates to remember April 16-20
Monday - spelling quiz (current, danger, carpet, plastic, bottom, hollow, organ, compose, seldom, challenge)
Wednesday - pottery day
Thursday - Math quiz on Chapter 17 measurement 

* Parent/teacher meetings will be next week.  Please keep in mind that each meeting is about 15 minutes.  If the 15 minutes is too short to cover all issues you'd like to discuss, we can arrange another time to meet.  I look forward to seeing you!

Easter Egg Hunt

4/13 Homework

Homework: Read for 30 minutes, Math WB 17.7, Spelling review for quiz, Journal "I wish I could forget the time I _____ because.....)

Thursday, April 12, 2012

4/12 Homework

Homework: Read for 30 minutes, Math WB 17.5- 17.6 (need a cm ruler)(do as much as you can, if you don't have a yard or meter ruler you may estimate)

* We will be painting tomorrow. Please either bring in a smock or older clothes just in case paint gets spilt.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

4/11 Homework

Homework: Read for 30 minutes, Math WB 17.3 (need a ruler), Reading WB 247-250.

* Pre-Conference Forms are being sent home today. Please fill them out and return them as early as possible if you're attending the parent/teacher meetings.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

4/10 Homework

Homework, Read for 30 minutes, Math WB 17.2 (need a ruler with inches), Reading WB 242-246.

*Students are bringing home sign up sheets today for parent/teacher meetings. Please fill them out and bring them back at the earliest convenience. 

Monday, April 9, 2012

4/9 Homework

Homework: Read for 30 minutes, Math WB 7.1 (do as much as measuring as you can), Spelling write sentences for new words (current, danger, carpet, plastic, bottom, hollow, organ, compose, seldom, challenge).