Friday, April 20, 2012

April 23-27

Dear Second Grade Blog Followers,

It was wonderful to talk with so many parents during the parent/teacher meetings this week. If you would like to follow up with anything we discussed please feel free to stop by after school hours or send me an email.

This week in class was highlighted by pottery day and the preparation for the Science Fair. In Math we finished the chapter on Measurement and started chapter 18 which is on Weight, Capacity and Temperature. This also works well with our Science unit on Changing Matter which, we will finish next week. Next week is also the Science Fair and parents are welcome to come in and watch the second graders present their project. See the schedule below.  

Science Fair Schedule
8:30 - 9:00  Set up
9:00 - 10:15 Grades 4-6 present their projects
10:45 - 11:45 Grades 1-3 present their projects
11:45 - 12:00 Clean up

Next week in Social Studies we will start a new unit titled "We are one Country" and focus on map reading. In Reading this week we read a wonderful story called "Thunder Cake" and next week we will read two stories and compare and contrast them, the stories are called "A Curve in the River" and "Slippery Siblings". Next week we will also have a practice test for the IOWA test which will be held from May 7-11 in order for students to familiarize themselves with the test format.

Congratulations to Tom Lu for being this week's Student of the Week. Tom did a great job on his descriptive writing this week. Keep it up!
Student of the Week

April 23-27

Monday Spelling quiz (transparent, immerse, coax, transfer, greasy, sling, slick, reed, pierce, novel)
Monday is Ray's and Mr. Anderson's birthday! 
Tuesday is Chapter 10 Science quiz
Wednesday is the Science Fair
Friday Monthly assembly 

*May 1st field trip to Green World, more information to come on this. In the meantime here is the website

Have a great weekend. 

Pottery Day

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