Wednesday, December 18, 2013


Homework: Continue to read for 20 minutes a day and log minutes in your homework book,
Spelling Review for quiz,
Journal 17) What do you think is the perfect age to be? If you could choose one age and stay that age forever, what would you choose?
18) Do you have any nicknames? Describe where the nicknames came from and what they mean to you. If you don't have one can you think of one and write about why that would be a good nickname.

Have a wonderful Christmas vacation and see you in 2014!

Tuesday, December 17, 2013


Homework: Read for 20 minutes and log minutes in homework book,
Math Workbook 10.2,
Reading workbook 2, 124-128,

Wednesday is our class Christmas party!

Reminder that school ends at 12:30 tomorrow. Hope to see most of you on Wednesday afternoon.

Monday, December 16, 2013


Homework: Read for 20 minutes and write minutes in your homework book,
Spelling Write sentences for new words (wood, brook, wool, roof, group, prove, stood, stool, smooth, soup) Bonus Words (costume, mustache, disguise, bushy, mirror),
Math Workbook 10.1

* Just a note about Wednesday from 2:30 - 4:30. No need to bring anything. Parents and siblings are welcome to come as well.

Friday, December 13, 2013

2nd Grade get together

Dear Parents of the Second Grade Class,

As your children have probability mention to you that I have invited anyone who is interested and able to come over to our apartment complex after school on Wednesday to see Hunter and have some hot chocolate and snacks. Here is some information about our little gathering on Wednesday 18 December, 2:30-4:30 PM.

Our address:
No. 29, Lane 280, Section 1, TieDao Road, Hsinchu

We are in a large apartment complex at the corner of Zhong-Hua Road (中華路) and TieDao Road(鐵道路).

Since so many of the children said they wanted to come over we have reserved a private room in the complex. There is a playground outside so the kids can also spend some time outdoors.

Please tell the security guards in the lobby that you are guests of apartment 1O2. They should be able to let you in and direct you to the recreation room which is close to the recycling center. But if there's a problem please give me a call at 0987-121-860.

Baby Hunter, my wife and I look forward to seeing you next Wednesday!

December 9-18

The holiday feel is in the air.

This week we practiced for the Christmas show and had some activities to usher in the holidays. Just a reminder that the Secret Santa gifts are to be brought in this Monday (150NTD limit). We will keep them under the tree and open them together on Wednesday. Kaylee's mom will also come in on Wednesday to teach the children a song using chimes. Thank you for volunteering to do this!

Literacy Month is in full swing. Thank you to the parents for participating and signing the Read-a-thon minutes in your child's homework book. Please continue to do so over the Christmas vacation. We have read about half of the story "The Witches" and have started our class competition to create an authentic book cover soon.

In Reading class this week we read the story, "Big Bushy Mustache". I'm very impressed to see such good reading and comprehension improvement throughout the year.

In Math we continued with two digit subtraction and next week we will start Topic 10, Using Adding and Subtracting.

In Social Studies we studied North America and different regions around the world.

Congratulations to Duncan Tseng for being the Student of the Week. Duncan enjoys working with all of his classmates and has been very focused on his school work. Keep it up!

Upcoming Dates

Monday - Spelling Quiz (brush, juice, fruit, tube, crumb, pump, blew, tuck, glue, threw) bonus words (dispatch, gear, fire engine, firefighter, emergency)

Monday Math Quiz on Topic 9

Wednesday - Christmas Party.

1) Kaylee's mom will come in and teach a song using chimes.

2) Opening the Secret Santa gifts

3) School ends after lunch


Homework: Read for 20 minutes and write minutes in your homework book,
Math Review for Topic 9 quiz,
Spelling - Review for quiz,
Journal Entry 16, "Write about your brothers and sisters. If you don't have any, do you wish you did?",

Thursday, December 12, 2013


Homework: Read for 20 minutes,
Math workbook 9.7,
Reading Workbook 2: 120-123,

Friday students arrive at 6:15 and go to the second grade classroom.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013


Homework: Read for 20 minutes and log in homework book,
Math Workbook 9.6,
Reading Comprehension WB "Homework",

Reminded for this Friday - Have children in the second grade classroom at 6:15 PM wearing red shirt, black socks and Santa hat.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013


Homework: Read for 20 minutes (or more) and log minutes in homework book (parents sign),
Math Workbook 9.5,
Reading Workbook 113-118,

Monday, December 9, 2013


Homework: Read for 20 minutes and write minutes read in Read-a-thon form (in homework book). Parents please sign students minutes read at home.
Spelling - Write sentences for new words (brush, juice, fruit, tube, crumb, pump, blew, tuck, glue, threw) bonus words (dispatch, gear, fire engine, firefighter, emergency),
Math Workbook 9.4

Bring in Santa hat on Tuesday for practice

* On Friday please have children in my class at 6:15 PM wearing Red Shirt, Black Socks and Santa Hat ( I have 6 extra Santa Hats for those who do on have one to wear)

* Happy Birthday Ashley Wang

Friday, December 6, 2013

December 2-13

The second grade had a great start to Literacy Month this week! 

To kick off Literacy Month I started reading the book "The Witches" by Roald Dahl to the children for our morning read-a-loud. For many of students it is their very first long chapter book. As a class competition, the students will create an original poster-sized book cover for this book. Mr. Harris and myself will judge the poster and awards will be handed out at the conclusion of Literacy Month. The judges will look at originality, visual appeal, neatness and if it contains all aspects of a book cover. Good luck! 

The Christmas show next Friday will start at 7:15. Please have your child fed and back at school in Mr. Anderson's classroom at 6:15 PM. Parents can then head downstairs for a lite snack. The show will have a sing-a-long so everyone is encouraged to participate. It should be a fun evening. I know the second graders are excited. The class will be wearing Santa hats for the show. If you have one please have your child bring it to school on Monday. 

Read-a-thon sponsor forms are due on Monday 9th December. If the school gets 500 sponsors, a student from each class will be chosen to throw a pie in their teachers face (I hope it's cherry).

The students wanted to do a small Secret Santa gift exchange for our Christmas party on December 18th. Each student has chosen a name and are to think of what that person would like as a gift. Students were instructed not to spend over 150 NTD and to keep who they are giving the gift to a secret. Students should wrap their gift and secretly put it under the tree in the classroom by the 18th.  

In Math this week we concluded Topic 8, Adding Two Digit Numbers and started Topic 9, Subtracting Two Digit Numbers.

For English we completed our unit of study on Nouns and had a quiz.

In Science we concluded our unit on Life Cycles. Thank you to those who brought in mulberry leaves.

For Social Studies this week we had a focus on Maps. This included a walk around school and practice drawing their own map of the school.

In Reading we read the story "A Trip to the Fire House" and next week we will read "A Bushy Mustache".

The Student of the Week this week is Yebin. Yebin always asks when she is unsure of an answer and gives a helping hand to classmates when they need it.  Keep it up! 

Upcoming Dates
Monday-  Spelling quiz (meet, meat, deer, dear, ring, wring, steel, steal, wait, weight; Bonus Words: understanding, celebration, exchanging, underneath, mistletoe)
Thursday - Reading Comprehension Quiz
Friday - Christmas performance 6:15 PM in Mr. Anderson's class, Show starts at 7:15 PM.