Friday, December 13, 2013

December 9-18

The holiday feel is in the air.

This week we practiced for the Christmas show and had some activities to usher in the holidays. Just a reminder that the Secret Santa gifts are to be brought in this Monday (150NTD limit). We will keep them under the tree and open them together on Wednesday. Kaylee's mom will also come in on Wednesday to teach the children a song using chimes. Thank you for volunteering to do this!

Literacy Month is in full swing. Thank you to the parents for participating and signing the Read-a-thon minutes in your child's homework book. Please continue to do so over the Christmas vacation. We have read about half of the story "The Witches" and have started our class competition to create an authentic book cover soon.

In Reading class this week we read the story, "Big Bushy Mustache". I'm very impressed to see such good reading and comprehension improvement throughout the year.

In Math we continued with two digit subtraction and next week we will start Topic 10, Using Adding and Subtracting.

In Social Studies we studied North America and different regions around the world.

Congratulations to Duncan Tseng for being the Student of the Week. Duncan enjoys working with all of his classmates and has been very focused on his school work. Keep it up!

Upcoming Dates

Monday - Spelling Quiz (brush, juice, fruit, tube, crumb, pump, blew, tuck, glue, threw) bonus words (dispatch, gear, fire engine, firefighter, emergency)

Monday Math Quiz on Topic 9

Wednesday - Christmas Party.

1) Kaylee's mom will come in and teach a song using chimes.

2) Opening the Secret Santa gifts

3) School ends after lunch

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