Tuesday, January 28, 2014


Homework: Read for 20 minutes,
Journal entry # 22 "What is your favorite season? Describe how you feel during that season."
and entry # 23 "What is your favorite type of weather? Write about activities you do during this kind of weather."

Happy Chinese New Year!!!

Monday, January 27, 2014

Read-a-thon Results. Well done!


Homework: Read for 20 minutes,
English Review for quiz (Unit 5, Verbs),
Math Workbook 11.8 , pages 85-86 and review for quiz,

Friday, January 24, 2014

January 20 - February 7

Happy Chinese New Year! The second grade has had a great week capped off by some CNY celebrations.

In Math we continued our topic on geometry and next Tuesday we will complete this topic before the break. Please enjoy the "shape" pictures below.

In Reading we read our last story of the semester called "Barrio".

In Social Studies we completed our unit titled, "The World Around Us".

In Science we started a unit titled, Rocks, Soils and Fossils. Which we started off by taking a rock collecting field trip.

Congratulations to Anita Chen for being this week's, Student of the Week. Anita does a great job involving herself in class discussions and always gets along well with her classmates. Keep it up!

Next week will be the end of the first semester and report cards will be sent home on Tuesday. I want to thank all the students for their trust and hard work so far. I have noticed such wonderful progress in all the students. I also want to thank all you parents who help prepare your child for school each day. Well done! I'm looking forward to seeing all the growth of the children in the second semester.

Upcoming Dates
Monday Spelling Quiz (horse, chore, firm, learn, curve, world, pure, board, course) Bonus words (mineral, humus, limestone, granite, marble)
Tuesday English Quiz "Verbs"
Wednesday Chinese New Year Vacation
February 5 Return to school for the start of the second semester. 

Finally, I have a Bright Education "How to Prepare for the State Standards" Grade 2 practice test workbook. In the past I've let the parents borrow, copy and then return it. If you would like to borrow and copy this to give your child extra practice with standardized tests at home please email me or write me a note and I'll start to pass the workbook around. After you make a copy please return it so I may give it to the next parent.

Best Wishes,

James Anderson

Shape Art 

Happy Chinese New Year!

Check out the Second Grade Literacy Work in the Library 



Homework: Read for 20 minutes,
Math Workbook 11.7,
Spelling Review for quiz,
Journal "What are your least favorite foods? Describe how it feels to eat each of the foods."

Thursday, January 23, 2014


Homework: Read for 20 minutes,
English Grammar Workbook 48-49,
Math Workbook 11.6,
Social Studies - sign and return quiz,

* Bring chopsticks tomorrow for lunch.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014


Homework: Read for 20 minutes,
English Grammar book 45-47,
Math Workbook 11.5,

Tuesday, January 21, 2014


Homework: Read for 20 minutes,
Math Workbook 11.4,
English Grammar Workbook pages 41-44

* Dress in RED tomorrow.

Monday, January 20, 2014


Homework: Read for 20 minutes,
Spelling Write sentences for new words (horse, chore, firm, learn, curve, world, pure, board, course) Bonus words (mineral, humus, limestone, granite, marble)
Math Workbook 11.3,

* Please bring in your sponsor form and money once you have finished collecting (due 1/24).