Friday, January 17, 2014

January 13-24

This week the second grade students have been busy completing actives relating to Literacy Month. Everyone did an excellent job with the Read-a-thon, Book Poster, Book Report and Spelling Bee. Feel proud!

Spelling Bee Winners
First Place: Jungwon Yoo
Second Place: Chris Choi
Third Place: William Lu

Book Report Winner is Ashley Wang.

Roald Dahl "The Witches" original book cover design winner is Yebin Kim.

Most minutes read during the Read-a-thon is Jungwon Yoo with 1,337 minutes!

Well done to all!

This week in Math we started topic 11, Geometry where we have been exploring solid shapes. Next week we will continue with this topic.

In Reading this week we read the story, "Grandpa's Corner Store". Next week we will read our last story in the reading book for this semester titled, "Barrio" and compare the two stories.

For English we have been investigating different aspects related to Verbs. Next week we will continue to focus on verbs and have plenty of time for review.

In Social Studies this week we have been reviewing the chapter "The World Around Us" and next week we will conclude this unit and take a quiz.

For Science we started Chapter 6, Rocks, Soils and Fossils. Next week we will continue with this chapter.

Next week we have several activities to celebrate Chinese New Year. Wednesday is "dress in red" day. Friday is "bring in chopsticks for lunch" day and we will watch the popular Dragon Dance. If any parents would like to come in and do an activity with the class to celebrate CNY please email me.

Congratulations to Taemin Lee for being this week's "Student of the Week". Taemin has been very motivated this week and has produced some excellent work.

Monday - Spelling Quiz (spear, sharp, stare, alarm, cheer, square, hairy, spare, heart, weird) Bonus Words (climate, equator, pole, hemisphere, region),
Monday - Social Studies Quiz on Unit 2
Wednesday - Dress in Red
Friday - Bring chopsticks in for lunch
Friday - Dragon and Lion Dance

Have an excellent weekend!

(More pictures to come!)

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