Friday, December 17, 2010

During the Break

Dear Parents,

Inside your child's homework book is a sheet of paper with some recommended homework activities for your child to do over the break. If you are traveling and/or busy your child can do as much or little as they are able too complete. If you are traveling all they need to bring with them to do the homework is their journal and a few reading books.

I hope you all have an enjoyable break.

See the kids on Wednesday January 5th, 2011.

James Anderson

Monday, December 13, 2010

Week 16

Dear Parents,

First of all the children did a wonderful job on the play. Thank you for all your support and help with the play. I hope you enjoyed it as much as the children did.

This is the last week before the Christmas break. Here are a few reminders about events this week. We will be finishing our 4th Social Studies Portfolio Entry. The students have done research on Taiwan's History and this week will be making a Taiwan Timeline in their portfolio.

Tuesday is the spelling test (wood, brook, tool, put, wool, push, full, roof, group, prove)

Thursday afternoon is the Christmas activities and gift exchange.

Friday school ends after lunch at 1:00pm. We will also have a Math Test on Chapter 11. 

Have a good week,

James Anderson

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Christmas Gift Exchange

On Thursday (12/16) at 2:00pm our class will be doing a small gift exchange and a few small Christmas activities to get in the Christmas Spirit. Each child will be responsible for bringing in a wrapped gift (200nt max) for another child.

Each child will need to bring in a gift for the student who's class number is behind their own number. For example:

Chantal 1
Jonah 2
Mackin 3
Ashley 4
Tommy 5
Michelle 6
Emily 7
Annie 8
Jacob 9
Angus 10
Kevin Y. 11
Kevin P. 12

Chantal is 1 and Jonah is 2. So Chantal will bring in a present for Jonah. Mackin is 3, so Jonah will bring in a present for Mackin. The sequence continues continues until Kevin P. who is 12 and he will bring in a gift for Chantal who is number 1.

If this unclear you can ask your child or send me an email.

Also if you're child would like to bring in a snack or drink to share with the class they are welcome to do so.

James Anderson

Friday, December 3, 2010

Week 15

Dear Parents,

This has been a busy week for the students and they are responding very well  to the work load but next week could be even busier with the coming up play. Please check the school letter that Mrs. Lines has sent out for the exact times that we will be at the Science Park rehearsing for the play.

Monday, Science Park in the morning, Spelling test (suit, pump, dull, tune, blew, trunk, sum, glue, threw) and Jonah's birthday in the afternoon.

Tuesday we will be having class and individual pictures taken for the year book. Please make your sure your child is dressed nicely on this day.

Wednesday, Science Park in the morning. Handwriting quiz in the afternoon.

Thursday, Science Park all day for final rehearsal

Friday students will be released after lunch to rest before the performance at the Science Park at 7:00pm.

Please let me know if you have any questions. If you need to get a hold of your child when we are at the Science you can call my cell phone at 0987-121-860.

Have a good weekend.

James Anderson

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Extra Week 14 News

Dear Parents,

Just a few bits of information I would like to pass on to you.

First our class has finished the Math Chapter 10 earlier than expected and we will be having a quiz on Thursday (12/2) on Chapter 10. The Science quiz will still be on Friday.

Second a few students still need to bring in some or all of their black clothes for the play. Please look at your child's homework book to see if I've written anything about this in there.

Third the Google Map to the location of the play can be found here.,121.005896&spn=0.007237,0.009645&z=17&iwloc=lyrftr:m,18200838884626117839,24.78166,121.005918&msid=102177011504186316552.000496413bd7060da2b1b

Our class and entire school are very excited for the play and we are encouraging as many people to come watch this amazing production as possible. Please fill out the ticket request form and send it back with your child when you know how many people will be coming with you.

Finally I had food poisoning this weekend and was still feeling ill on Monday (11/29). Luckily Mrs. Willis was able to fill in for me. I'm feeling better now. Thank you to those who wrote kind "get well" emails.

Until next time,

James Anderson