Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Extra Week 14 News

Dear Parents,

Just a few bits of information I would like to pass on to you.

First our class has finished the Math Chapter 10 earlier than expected and we will be having a quiz on Thursday (12/2) on Chapter 10. The Science quiz will still be on Friday.

Second a few students still need to bring in some or all of their black clothes for the play. Please look at your child's homework book to see if I've written anything about this in there.

Third the Google Map to the location of the play can be found here.,121.005896&spn=0.007237,0.009645&z=17&iwloc=lyrftr:m,18200838884626117839,24.78166,121.005918&msid=102177011504186316552.000496413bd7060da2b1b

Our class and entire school are very excited for the play and we are encouraging as many people to come watch this amazing production as possible. Please fill out the ticket request form and send it back with your child when you know how many people will be coming with you.

Finally I had food poisoning this weekend and was still feeling ill on Monday (11/29). Luckily Mrs. Willis was able to fill in for me. I'm feeling better now. Thank you to those who wrote kind "get well" emails.

Until next time,

James Anderson

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