Friday, November 26, 2010

Week 14 News and Notes (Nov 29-Dec 3)

Dear Parents,

The students have been very busy this week. The Beauty and the Beast play is coming together very nicely. I can't wait until the opening night December 10th to see the finished product.

Thank you to all the parents who came and brought food in for the Thanksgiving meal. Thanksgiving is the 2nd most popular holiday in America for families getting together and it was nice to have spent it with so many new people here in Taiwan.

Week 14 test dates,

Spelling test on Monday on the following words; brush, juice, fruit, tube, lunch, crumb, few, true, truth, done

Science test on Environments (Chapter 4) will be on Friday

Until next time,

James Anderson

"Education: Being able to differentiate between what you do know and what you don't. It's knowing where to go to find out what you need to know; and it's knowing how to use the information once you get it."-William Feather

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