Friday, November 12, 2010

Week 12 News and Notes

Dear Parents,

It was so nice to see so many of you this week for the parent/teacher meeting. It's wonderful to see how much you care for your child's education. If you would like to follow up on anything we discussed at the meeting please feel free to drop in or send me an email.

This Saturday (11/13) is a practice for the Beauty and the Beast play. Mrs. Fay has asked all students to bring in black socks, black tights (tight pants) and a completly back short sleeve shirt.

Some notes for week 11.

The spelling test will be on Monday over the following words (steel, steal, lead, led, wait, weight, wear, ware, creak, creek)

Science Quiz will be on Tuesday and cover Chapter 3 Animal Life Cycles.

Math Quiz on Chapter 9 Fractions will be on Wednesday.

Math Unit 3 Test will be on Friday and will cover chapters 7-9.

All the best,

James Anderson

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