Thursday, November 4, 2010

Week 11 Notes

Dear Parents,

The students have had a good week so far. They have been working on finishing their family tree and they are looking very good. Thank you for helping your child bring in all the information and pictures of your amazing families. We also started a new science unit on Animal Life Cycles. We will be finishing our Math Chapter on Solid Shapes. And on Monday (11/8) will be starting a new Math Chapter on Fractions. And in English class we have been studying ways to talk about the past. They have also been busy practicing for the Beauty and the Beast play, which is coming along smoothly.

Upcoming tests:

Spelling test will be on Monday. Spelling words focus on the letter "o". Next week words are; crow, stock, chose, folk, coal, host, bowl, grown, shock, broke.

Math quiz will be on Monday. The quiz will focus on Chapter 8, Solid Shapes.

English Test will be on Wednesday or Thursday (depending on how the review lesson goes). The quiz will focus on verb uses that we have been studying in class.

We will be doing a painting project on Monday. It might be a good idea for your child to wear old clothes on that day so as not to ruin new clothes if they get paint on them.

I'll be handing a sheet of paper to your child on Friday (11/5) letting you know your time to meet with me for parent/teacher meetings. I'm looking forward to talking with you more when we meet next Tuesday or Wednesday.

Have a great week and thank you for all your support.

James Anderson

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