Friday, December 3, 2010

Week 15

Dear Parents,

This has been a busy week for the students and they are responding very well  to the work load but next week could be even busier with the coming up play. Please check the school letter that Mrs. Lines has sent out for the exact times that we will be at the Science Park rehearsing for the play.

Monday, Science Park in the morning, Spelling test (suit, pump, dull, tune, blew, trunk, sum, glue, threw) and Jonah's birthday in the afternoon.

Tuesday we will be having class and individual pictures taken for the year book. Please make your sure your child is dressed nicely on this day.

Wednesday, Science Park in the morning. Handwriting quiz in the afternoon.

Thursday, Science Park all day for final rehearsal

Friday students will be released after lunch to rest before the performance at the Science Park at 7:00pm.

Please let me know if you have any questions. If you need to get a hold of your child when we are at the Science you can call my cell phone at 0987-121-860.

Have a good weekend.

James Anderson

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