Friday, January 28, 2011

Half way point

The last week of the first semester went very smooth. I hope everyone has an enjoyable Chinese New Year next week. This week the students were able to finish their Reading book and Math book as well as complete their final writing draft of Taiwan's Aboriginal People. However we didn't have enough time for the students to present their findings to the class. So part of the Chinese New Year homework will be to practice their presentation to be given in class on Tuesday (Feb 8). 
A complete list of the Chinese New Year Homework has been stapled into the students homework book.

A few other notes:
- there will be no spelling test on Monday 2/7.
- Students will be bringing home a Folder with their finished workbooks and worksheets. It is up to you what you choose to do with the finished work, however could you have your child bring the empty folder back to school with them next Monday (2/7) so we can use it again during second semester. 
- Second grade will lose one student next semester (Kevin Yang will move to 3rd grade) and gain one student (Jasper) to maintain 11 students in the class.
- Please ensure your child has all the supplies needed for class. I've been lending my supplies out and they keep getting lost. All students need to have; a red pen, pencils, scissors, glue, colored pencils or markers. Thank you for your support in this.
Have a great week and happy Chinese New Year.

James Anderson

Friday, January 21, 2011

Week 20

Dear Parents and Students,

This is the last week before the end of the semester. I've been impressed by the student's commitment to learning and their attitude in the class so far this semester. Next Friday the students will be bringing home completed workbooks and will be receiving new workbooks at the start of the 2nd semester. A side note about students homework. My goal is to only give homework that the students can do without too much difficultly. Sometimes they will be given something more difficult than they are able to do. In this case it isn't necessary for the student to finish the homework at home if they don't understand. Just have them try and if they can't understand it then we can talk about it in class the next day.

The students will also need a new spelling book for the 2nd semester. This costs 10nt dollars each. The children can bring in this anytime next week or at the start of the new semester.

Dates for next week, January 24-28

Spelling test on Monday 1/24 (drawn, scout, false, proud, frown, sauce, gown, couch, dawn, mount).

Math Test "B" on Wednesday 1/26 over Chapters 8-11 in the math book.

We will also be working on our next portfolio entry which studies Taiwan's Native People. Also, we will be doing some Chinese New Year activities during the week.

Have a great week.

James Anderson

Friday, January 14, 2011

Week 19

Hello Parents and Students,

The students have had a very productive and successful week 18. The presentations that students gave about "how to give instructions" went very well. I think we all learned something new. If you'd still like to order any Morris Gleitzmen books through the school the order wont be put in until Monday (1/17) so you still have some time. I would suggest for the 2nd grade either Deadly or Worm Story or any of the Toad books that he's written.

Notes for week 19

Monday is the Spelling test. (pound, howl, jaw, bounce, cause, always, shout, aloud, south, couple)

Tuesday is the unit Math test.

Thursday is the Reading test.

Have a great weekend.

James Anderson

Friday, January 7, 2011

Welcome Back

Dear Parents,

I hope you and your family had a good holiday break. It was good to see all the kids again back in class. This week we have started a new Science unit on Energy and Food Chains. We have also started a new writing project on how to write instructions. In math since we have already finished this semesters math book we will be reviewing previous chapters to prepare for the final unit test. Plus looking at some different math story problems.

Here are a few notes for week 18 (January 10-14)

Monday - Spelling test, on the following words; stood, stool, hook, smooth, shoot, bush, fool, pull, soup, move.

Thursday Presentation, on giving the instructions they have been writing about in class.

Friday Science test, on Chapter 5

If you have any questions for me please email me at

Have a good week.

James Anderson