Friday, January 7, 2011

Welcome Back

Dear Parents,

I hope you and your family had a good holiday break. It was good to see all the kids again back in class. This week we have started a new Science unit on Energy and Food Chains. We have also started a new writing project on how to write instructions. In math since we have already finished this semesters math book we will be reviewing previous chapters to prepare for the final unit test. Plus looking at some different math story problems.

Here are a few notes for week 18 (January 10-14)

Monday - Spelling test, on the following words; stood, stool, hook, smooth, shoot, bush, fool, pull, soup, move.

Thursday Presentation, on giving the instructions they have been writing about in class.

Friday Science test, on Chapter 5

If you have any questions for me please email me at

Have a good week.

James Anderson

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