Friday, January 28, 2011

Half way point

The last week of the first semester went very smooth. I hope everyone has an enjoyable Chinese New Year next week. This week the students were able to finish their Reading book and Math book as well as complete their final writing draft of Taiwan's Aboriginal People. However we didn't have enough time for the students to present their findings to the class. So part of the Chinese New Year homework will be to practice their presentation to be given in class on Tuesday (Feb 8). 
A complete list of the Chinese New Year Homework has been stapled into the students homework book.

A few other notes:
- there will be no spelling test on Monday 2/7.
- Students will be bringing home a Folder with their finished workbooks and worksheets. It is up to you what you choose to do with the finished work, however could you have your child bring the empty folder back to school with them next Monday (2/7) so we can use it again during second semester. 
- Second grade will lose one student next semester (Kevin Yang will move to 3rd grade) and gain one student (Jasper) to maintain 11 students in the class.
- Please ensure your child has all the supplies needed for class. I've been lending my supplies out and they keep getting lost. All students need to have; a red pen, pencils, scissors, glue, colored pencils or markers. Thank you for your support in this.
Have a great week and happy Chinese New Year.

James Anderson

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