Friday, February 18, 2011

Week 3 News

Dear Parents,

The students had another busy week this week. In writing class they started writing a story using detail and similes (as big as a house, the rain sounded like a beating drum, etc). Morris Glietzman's speech motivated the students to write a story and aided with his advise that every story has a problem and a character that you can related to. The first drafts are being worked on and we will be continuing to work on them in week 3.
In Science we finished Chapter 6 Rocks, Soils, and Fossils. Next week we will start Chapter 7 Using and Saving Resources. Instead of doing a presentation in week 3 the students will be making a PowerPoint which will be posted on my blog when finished.

Notes for week 3

Spelling test will be on Monday on the following words; starve, charm, beard, scarf, spare, stairs, year, charge, dairy, scarce

Reading test will be on Wednesday.

Math test on Chapter 13 will be on Thursday.

Have a lovey weekend,

James Anderson

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