Friday, February 25, 2011

Week 4 News

Greetings from the second grade class. One theme this week was to create and write a story. I'll be reading the students second drafts this weekend and next week the students will publish their story.

In science this week we continued with our Natural Resource Chapter and the students have been working on making a power point that will be finished next week and posted on my blog (so long as I can get it posted).

Next week some dates to keep in mind our as follows.

Monday is a holiday - no school.

Tuesday will be the spelling test on the following words (railroad, airport, seat belt, everywhere, homesick, understand, background, anything, ninety-nine, already).

Also if you have extra empty shoe boxes in your house could you have your child bring them in on Monday? They will be using them in Music class.

Wednesday will be the unit 5 math test.

Friday will be the Science quiz on chapter 7.

Have a great long weekend.

James Anderson

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