Friday, March 4, 2011

March 7-11

Good day to all.
This week has been short but sweet. The students have been busy and excited with class subjects and projects. The students' PowerPoint presentations are going well and they should be putting on the finishing touches next week. We have been researching different ways to reduce, reuse, and recycle and next week the students will be making a poster in their portfolio to display in the school for the up coming earth day.

Congratulations to Tommy for being the Reading King of February and Jonah for being the Homework King of February.

The students have finished up with their stories. On Monday (3/7) the children will be reading their story out loud to the school's librarian, Mr. Coil.

In Math we have started Chapter 13 which is about money. The book uses American money but the main idea is for the students to start adding and subtracting using non-whole numbers. On Friday it was great to see so many students bring in coins and bills from other countries, the kids enjoyed looking at all of the different kinds of money.

Next Saturday (3/12) is the school's field day. Mr. Harris has made teams where each student is to bring in a T-shirt with the color of their team. The colors are as follows; Blue Team - Mackin, Jasper, and Emily. Red Team - Jacob, Angus, Michelle. Green Team - Tommy, Jonah, Annie, Ashley. He also asks that all students bring a water bottle, a snack and sun tan lotion.

Days to remember for week 5, March 7-11

Monday (3/11) is the spelling test on the following words (fireplace, ourselves, all right, forever, breakfast, whenever, everything, meanwhile, afternoon, motorcycle).

Monday (3/7) will also be our presentation day where the students will read their story out loud to the class and Mr. Coil.
Friday (3/11) Math test on Chapter 14.

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