Friday, March 25, 2011

March 28-31

Congratulations to the 2nd grade class for winning the Music Treasure Hunt. Ms. Fay will be having a pizza lunch this Wednesday (3/30) to reward their effort. She says they are allowed to bring in their own snacks, drinks and games for the hour long lunch.

Next week is a 4 day school week, as Friday is a Professional Development day for the teachers.

March 28-31

Monday (3/28) is the spelling test on the following words - nickel, metal, total, eagle, middle, special, final, model, bottle, double.

Reading Test will be Wednesday (3/30) on comprehension and vocabulary. The reading tests are meant to assess content knowledge so there is nothing for the students to study prior to the test.

Thursday is International day. As you know our class is studying Greece. We have been reading Greek Myths and on Thursday we will be making Greek desserts and doing a few Greek activities.

Have a great weekend!

Mr. Anderson

1 comment:

  1. yasa(hello)

    me lene Ashley(I'm Ashley)

    Ti kanete?(How are you?)

    kalinihta(good night)
