Friday, March 11, 2011

March 14-18

Hello Again,

It's been another busy week for the students. I wanted to give a few reminders for next week. Saturday (3/12) is the track day races. Students are asked to be at the school at 8:00am, (not 8:30am like the old newsletter said). Students are to bring their team colored shirt, water bottle, and snack. An email will be sent out by 7:00am if it has been rained out.

Spirit week is next week. Students and teachers are encouraged to participate as much as possible with each of the themes.

Monday - Funky Hair / Most Colorful Clothes

Tuesday- Nerd Day

Wednesday - Students be your teacher / Teacher be your student

Thursday - Green Day (St. Patrick's Day)

Friday - Favorite Character from book, movie, your hero.... you choose

If you child would like to bring in some green food to share with the class on Thursday they are more than welcome.

Spelling test will be on Monday (3/14) on the following words, sailor, harbor, enter, weather, labor, ladder, cellar, chapter, sugar, suffer.

Thursday will be a Reading quiz on highfrequency words, compare and contrast and facts and opinions.
Hopefully I'll see some of you on Saturday. Have a good week.
Mr. Anderson

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