Thursday, May 26, 2011

May 30 -June 3

Good day,

It's hard to believe that there are only four more weeks left in this school year. It's been a pleasure to see the students learn and mature so much since last September.

Even though there are only four more weeks left there is still so much I want to accomplish in class. In math we started Chapter 19 on Multiplication and Division. The link below is to a website that has a multiplication activity for extra practice at home.

May 30 - June 3

Monday is the Spelling Test on the following words: squid, drink, topic, track, blanket, struck, mistake, junk, squirrel, stomach

Wednesday (6/1) is the Kindergarten and sixth grade graduation which starts at 10:00am. Starting at 1:00 the whole school will be involved in the school's music performances and art show. We welcome all parents, siblings, other relatives and friends to come and watch the the music performances and view the art show. There will be music performances starting at 1:00 and lasting until 6:00. That being said all the second grade performances will be between 1:00 and 4:00 and everyone is welcomed and encouraged to stay and listening to the other music performances until 6:00. The bus will take students home at the same time (4:00pm) otherwise you can bring your children home when its convenient for you (there is no club on that day).

Thursday will be the Reading Comprehension quiz

Friday will be the Math quiz on chapter 19

Have a great weekend,

James Anderson

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

May 23-27

May 23-27

Good day to all the second grade blog followers. This was a short but sweet week here at HIS. In math we finished the Measurements Chapter and in Science finished our Solar Systems chapter.

The Spelling Bee went very well. I'm so proud of all the 2nd graders for their performance in that. Congratulations to 3rd place Tommy Kim, 2nd place Ashley Han and 1st place Jacob Juras for being the 2nd grade spelling champions!

We have a busy test week during May 23-27 and the tests are as follows:

Monday Spelling Test on the following words: shark, attack, risk, public, sink, question, electric, jacket, blank, ache

Monday Math Quiz on Chapter 18 Measurements

Wednesday Math Test on Unit 7

Wednesday Science Test on our Solar System

Thursday Handwriting quiz

Have a great weekend and please any questions you have email or call me and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.

James Anderson

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

May 18-20

Good day to all. I apologize for not having updated my blog last week, the blogger server was down last week and I didn't have my computer over the weekend.

The week of Iowa testing is over. The students' answer sheet will be sent to the States and we should get the results back before the summer break.

Last week we also worked on our Social Studies research project which is on the students' home country or the country of their choice. If you have any props, information, pictures or anything related to your child's country could you let them bring it into school to use to add to their presentation? The date of the presentation has yet to be set (towards the end of May). Due to the success of the last presentation I will invite the parents in to watch them again. More to come on that....

May 16th and 17th (Monday and Tuesday) is the mid-semester break and the school will be closed.

Next week there will be no tests or quizzes scheduled. We will be continuing the chapters in all subjects.

The Spelling Bee will be on Friday (5/20) at 1:00pm you are welcome to come and cheer on your child competing in the Spelling Bee with other second graders. Due to the Spelling Bee the students will not have a spelling test this week.

Enjoy some of the pictures from the field trip and have a great long weekend,

James Anderson

Thursday, May 5, 2011

May 9-13

Good Day to all 2nd grade blog followers,

The students had a very busy week which seemed to fly by. We finished Chapter 17 in Math on Measurements. Started a new Science unit on Our Solar System, as well as had sports afternoon on Wednesday. I was happy to see how many fast little runners there are in the second grade. There was one change this week in the test schedule in that we had our spelling test on Friday (5/6) instead of Monday (5/9) due to next weeks Iowa testing schedule.

Besides the Iowa tests (which will be given each day next week) there will be no other tests or homework (5/9-5/13). Besides the tests, classes will carry on as normal next week with the big project being the portfolio entry of the students home country.

Here is the testing schedule for the Iowa test.

Monday- Vocabulary, Word Analysis, Reading

Tuesday - Listening, Language

Wednesday - Math Concepts, Math Problems

Thursday - Computation, Social Studies

Friday - Science, Sources of Information

The best preparation the students can have for the tests are to be well rested and ready to concentrate on the instructions and the questions.

Hope you have a great week,

James Anderson