Thursday, May 26, 2011

May 30 -June 3

Good day,

It's hard to believe that there are only four more weeks left in this school year. It's been a pleasure to see the students learn and mature so much since last September.

Even though there are only four more weeks left there is still so much I want to accomplish in class. In math we started Chapter 19 on Multiplication and Division. The link below is to a website that has a multiplication activity for extra practice at home.

May 30 - June 3

Monday is the Spelling Test on the following words: squid, drink, topic, track, blanket, struck, mistake, junk, squirrel, stomach

Wednesday (6/1) is the Kindergarten and sixth grade graduation which starts at 10:00am. Starting at 1:00 the whole school will be involved in the school's music performances and art show. We welcome all parents, siblings, other relatives and friends to come and watch the the music performances and view the art show. There will be music performances starting at 1:00 and lasting until 6:00. That being said all the second grade performances will be between 1:00 and 4:00 and everyone is welcomed and encouraged to stay and listening to the other music performances until 6:00. The bus will take students home at the same time (4:00pm) otherwise you can bring your children home when its convenient for you (there is no club on that day).

Thursday will be the Reading Comprehension quiz

Friday will be the Math quiz on chapter 19

Have a great weekend,

James Anderson

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