Thursday, June 2, 2011

June 7-10

Good Day All,

It was an eventful week here at HIS. The second grade participated in the art show and the music show. Those of you who were able to watch the music show would probably agree that it was very entertaining. For the first song, the 1st and 2nd graders joined forces and sung a very heartwarming song by Micheal Jackson, "Heal the World". The second song, by Justin Bieber, was called "Never Say Never", and the students really poured their heart and soul into dancing and singing that song.

For the Art show the students unveiled their Social Studies Portfolio to the world. They have been working very hard on this all year long and are very proud of it. A few notes about the portfolio, all the entries, art work, writings, etc, has been done only by the student themselves. I just gave them guidelines and they created the rest. The portfolio is a good representation of who the student is as a second grader. I would encourage them to keep it in a safe place so they can reflect on it at when they are older. It will go home with them at the end of the year.

Dates for next week.

Monday there is no school because of Dragon Boat

Tuesday is the Spelling Quiz on the following words: village, cottage, bridge, fence, strange, chance, twice, cage, change, carriage

Thursday is the Science Quiz and Chapter 10 "Comparing Matter"

Friday (6/10) will be the students last presentation of the year. This presentation is to talk about some interesting and important facts about their home country (or country of choice), one famous person and one landmark. I would like to invited the parents in again to watch these presentations. They will begin after lunch at 1:15pm and last for approximately one hour. I will also invite the first grade class in to watch these presentations, so it will be a full classroom.

Have a great long weekend and hope to see you next Friday.

James Anderson

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