Thursday, June 9, 2011

June 13-17

Hello to all on this 3rd to last blog post of the school year,

Thank you to all the parents who came in to be spectators of the students' last presentation of the year. It's been wonderful to watch how far these students have come in their presentation skills this year.

Due to a few students being sick last week and needing a little extra preparation time for the presentations we postponed the Science test until next week. Next weeks schedule is as follows:

June 13-17

Monday is the Spelling test on the following words: glance, ridge, manage, damage, since, marriage, edge, lodge, cabbage, dodge.

Tuesday will be the Science quiz of Chapter 10

Wednesday will be Math quiz on Chapter 20

* A few notes about the students' summer time off. It's important for students to continue reading, writing and learning over the summer so that they don't backtrack from the skills they have acquired, as well as readying themselves for the upcoming 3rd grade. HIS has a wonderful Summer Camp Program that is available. Your child should have brought home information on that. Also, for extra practice I have some links which can be found on my blog (and I will add some more) for extra online practice . Please visit that during the summer for some education links.

James Anderson

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