Wednesday, May 11, 2011

May 18-20

Good day to all. I apologize for not having updated my blog last week, the blogger server was down last week and I didn't have my computer over the weekend.

The week of Iowa testing is over. The students' answer sheet will be sent to the States and we should get the results back before the summer break.

Last week we also worked on our Social Studies research project which is on the students' home country or the country of their choice. If you have any props, information, pictures or anything related to your child's country could you let them bring it into school to use to add to their presentation? The date of the presentation has yet to be set (towards the end of May). Due to the success of the last presentation I will invite the parents in to watch them again. More to come on that....

May 16th and 17th (Monday and Tuesday) is the mid-semester break and the school will be closed.

Next week there will be no tests or quizzes scheduled. We will be continuing the chapters in all subjects.

The Spelling Bee will be on Friday (5/20) at 1:00pm you are welcome to come and cheer on your child competing in the Spelling Bee with other second graders. Due to the Spelling Bee the students will not have a spelling test this week.

Enjoy some of the pictures from the field trip and have a great long weekend,

James Anderson

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