Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Dear Parents,

The school year has come to a close for the 2nd grade. I'd like to thank the parents for taking such an active role in your child's education. It's been a joy to watch them develop this year.

I have given the students one last worksheet with some Summer Time Activities.

You are welcome to continue to follow my blog even when your child has left the 2nd grade. Also, please feel free to email me or have your child email me over the summer and in the future.

Thank you again and have a great summer,

James Anderson

Thursday, June 16, 2011

June 20-23

Good Day All,

Your child has almost completed the second grade and I have a poem for the students that I find appropriate for this time of year.

You're a very special person,
And I wanted you to know,
How much I enjoyed being your teacher.
How fast the year did go!
Please come back to visit me
As through the grades you grow,
Try hard to learn all that you can
There is so much to know!
The one thing I tried to teach you
To last your whole life through,
Is to know that you are SPECIAL
There is no one else like you!

Congratulations to the students for all the Awards they won on Friday, especially Annie who was given an award by the school librarian, Mr. Coyl, for checking out the most books in the school.

During the final week of classes we will be finishing up with some school work but also getting ready for the summer by bringing books, completed tests, projects and portfolios home.

Thursday is the last day of school and it is a half day; students will be released after lunch at 1:00pm. On Thursday we will also be having an end of the year celebration. The students may bring in snacks and drinks to share if they wish and they may bring in their personal video game players as well. We will also be having some activities throughout the day.

I will make one last blog post next week before the summer break.

Have a great week,

James Anderson

Thursday, June 9, 2011

June 13-17

Hello to all on this 3rd to last blog post of the school year,

Thank you to all the parents who came in to be spectators of the students' last presentation of the year. It's been wonderful to watch how far these students have come in their presentation skills this year.

Due to a few students being sick last week and needing a little extra preparation time for the presentations we postponed the Science test until next week. Next weeks schedule is as follows:

June 13-17

Monday is the Spelling test on the following words: glance, ridge, manage, damage, since, marriage, edge, lodge, cabbage, dodge.

Tuesday will be the Science quiz of Chapter 10

Wednesday will be Math quiz on Chapter 20

* A few notes about the students' summer time off. It's important for students to continue reading, writing and learning over the summer so that they don't backtrack from the skills they have acquired, as well as readying themselves for the upcoming 3rd grade. HIS has a wonderful Summer Camp Program that is available. Your child should have brought home information on that. Also, for extra practice I have some links which can be found on my blog (and I will add some more) for extra online practice . Please visit that during the summer for some education links.

James Anderson

Thursday, June 2, 2011

June 7-10

Good Day All,

It was an eventful week here at HIS. The second grade participated in the art show and the music show. Those of you who were able to watch the music show would probably agree that it was very entertaining. For the first song, the 1st and 2nd graders joined forces and sung a very heartwarming song by Micheal Jackson, "Heal the World". The second song, by Justin Bieber, was called "Never Say Never", and the students really poured their heart and soul into dancing and singing that song.

For the Art show the students unveiled their Social Studies Portfolio to the world. They have been working very hard on this all year long and are very proud of it. A few notes about the portfolio, all the entries, art work, writings, etc, has been done only by the student themselves. I just gave them guidelines and they created the rest. The portfolio is a good representation of who the student is as a second grader. I would encourage them to keep it in a safe place so they can reflect on it at when they are older. It will go home with them at the end of the year.

Dates for next week.

Monday there is no school because of Dragon Boat

Tuesday is the Spelling Quiz on the following words: village, cottage, bridge, fence, strange, chance, twice, cage, change, carriage

Thursday is the Science Quiz and Chapter 10 "Comparing Matter"

Friday (6/10) will be the students last presentation of the year. This presentation is to talk about some interesting and important facts about their home country (or country of choice), one famous person and one landmark. I would like to invited the parents in again to watch these presentations. They will begin after lunch at 1:15pm and last for approximately one hour. I will also invite the first grade class in to watch these presentations, so it will be a full classroom.

Have a great long weekend and hope to see you next Friday.

James Anderson