Friday, September 30, 2011

9/30 Homework

Homework: Read for 30 minutes from story book, Math WB 4.7-4.8, Spelling study for spelling quiz, Social Studies interview grandparents on how life was the same and different as yours (please see the worksheet for more information on this).

Week 4

Dear Parents,

Welcome back to the 2nd grade blog.  

It has been a productive week.  The students worked very hard on their first Social Studies portfolio entry - My Family Tree.  It will also be our second class presentation theme.  For the Reading Class, we finished up the first unit of reading on “Silly Stories.”  In Math Class, we continued learning about data, graphing and probability and for next week we will finish this chapter and begin studying for the Unit 1 Test.  In English Class, we completed the first unit on “The Sentence.”  For the coming week, the students will start writing a personal narrative by learning the different stages in the writing process: prewriting, drafting, revising, proofreading and publishing.

Mrs. Faye would like to announce that the general audition for the musical “Annie” will be held in the school library on Friday, October 14th from 3:15 to 5:15 PM.  Parents and students are all welcome to come and see the students try out for the play.

Another upcoming school event is the Fancy Dress Day (Halloween) on October 26.

Congratulations to Masatoshi Adachi for being this week’s Student of the Week.  October’s school-wide theme is “being open-minded” and I will be basing my student of the week decision on classroom behavior and being open-minded towards others views and cultures.

Quizzes and presentations for the week of October 3-7

- Spelling quiz on Monday: would, write, your price, tied, stray, bakery, fluffy, twelve, thorn.

- Math quiz on Chapter 4 will be on Wednesday

- Social Studies presentation will be on Wednesday afternoon.  I would like the students to talk about their family members by sharing with the class each family members 1) name, 2) relations, 3) where they live, 4) something interesting of each member who the students' have included in their family tree portfolio.  The students are not required to memorize all this information as they can refer to their portfolio during the presentation. 

Math Unit test 1 (Chapters 1-4) will be on Friday

Website of the week for students extra practice on the computer at home is

Have a wonderful week!

James Anderson

Thursday, September 29, 2011

9/29 Homework

Homework: Reading Comprehension WB "Robot Fun", Reading WB 90-94, Read 30 minutes from story book, Math WB 4.5-4.6

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

9/28 Homework

Homework: Read 30 minutes, Journal How do you try to be a good friend to others? English Sign test. Math WB 4.4.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

9/27 Homework

Homework: Reading WB 86-89 and Read 30 minutes from story book, Math WB 4.2-4.3, English Review Black-line Master WB for quiz, Social Studies bring in a baby picture of you (about one year old).

9/26 Homework

Homework: Read 30 minutes from a story book, Comprehension WB "The Twins", Spelling Write sentences for new words (would, write, your, price, tied, stray, bakery, fluffy, twelve, thorn) and sign test, Math WB 14.1 sign test.

Friday, September 23, 2011

9/23 Homework

Homework: Read for 30 minutes, Reading WB 79-84, Journal "What qualities do you look for in a friend?", Social Studies Bring in information and pictures for family tree. Math WB 3.8 review for quiz. Review spelling words.


Taken by Yvette Coort

Dear Parents,

Another successful week in the second grade class!  The students have been doing a great job and are becoming more responsible within the class.

We are off to a great start in reading story books.  Throughout the year we will look at strategies that will help the kids become better readers, as reading is an important part of learning and should be fun rather than "work" for the students.  Please remind your child to write (log) their minutes read each day and to write the name of the book when finished in their library WB.

This past week we finished Chapter 1 in Science (plants) and started our first Social Studies Chapter on Families.  Over the weekend students should continue to gather information and photos of between 8-16 family members.  On Monday we will start to make a family tree in the students’ portfolio.

For next week we will finish Chapter 3 in Math (subtraction) and starting Chapter 4 which is Data, Graphing and Probability.

Quite a few students have lost or broken their red pens. Please ensure your child has at least 2 red pens (or red pencils) as we use them almost every day to review and check our class work.

Quizzes for next week:

Spelling quiz on Monday on the following words: tell, their, these, those, upon, use, wash, which, work, nutrient

Math quiz on Monday on Chapter 3 Subtracting

English quiz on Wednesday Unit 1 “The Sentence”

Congratulations to Victoria Lee for being this week’s student of the week for being the most responsible student!

Best Wishes,

James Anderson

2nd Grade Teacher
Hsinchu International School

Thursday, September 22, 2011

9/22 Homework

Homework: Read 30 minutes from story book, English Grammar Blackline Master WB 9-11, Math WB 3.7, Social Studies Continue to gather information and pictures for family tree, due 9/26.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

9/21 Homework

Homework: Read for 30 minutes, English Grammar WB 11-12, Math WB 3.6, Social Studies - Start getting family information 1) Name 2) Birthday 3) where they live 4) Something interesting about them 5) picture (all family information should be in by Monday 9/26)

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

9/20 Homework

Homework: Reading for 30 minutes, Journal "What is your favorite holiday and why?", Math WB 3.4-3.5, English Comprehension WB "Chicago", Science Parents sign test.

Monday, September 19, 2011

9/16 Homework

Homework: Math WB 3.3; English Grammar WB 7-10 (Page 8 don't need to do "Enrichment" but can do for extra credit); Spelling write sentences for new words (tell, their, these, those, upon, use, wash, which, work, nutrient); Science Study WB for quiz.

Friday, September 16, 2011

9/16 Homework

Homework: Math WB 3.1-3.3, sign test, Reading Journal What do you want to be when you grow up? What might you do at this job?, Spelling Study for quiz, English WB Blackline Master pages 4-8

It was great to see so many parents on Thursday night. If you would like to follow up on anything we discussed please email me or stop by before or after class. We will be using the Dolch Sight words for the second grade for two more weeks, then the spelling words will be more challenging for the students. Also I will have students read to me out loud periodicity and will be checking for pronunciation during this time. Thank you for all your suggestions and offers to help throughout the year.

This week we had our first presentation on explaining how each team grouped leafs that they had collected into categorizes and which one is their favorite leaf. I was very impressed by how well it went. We will have many more class presentations throughout the year.

Just a reminder that the students’ supplies should be continuously stocked full throughout the year. I find certain items like glue and red pens get lost or used up quite quickly.

Next week we will start our first Social Studies chapter on Family. We will be making a family tree and the students will be asked to bring in photos of family members to be put into their first portfolio entry. In Math we will start chapter 3 on subtraction. In Reading we will continue with our stories concentrating on facts and opinions.

Student of the week;
Congratulations to Yvette Coort for being the most responsible student in class this week.

Keep up the good work everyone!

Next weeks quizzes

Monday Spelling Quiz on the following words: made, many, off, or, pull, read, right, sing, sit, sleep

Tuesday Science Quiz on Chapter One Plants

Friday Reading Quiz on the concepts we learned in the Reading Practice Book thus far

Have a great week!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

9/15 Homework

Homework: Reading Comprehension WB "two great vacation ideas" and read for 30 minutes. Math WB 2.7 and review for quiz. Be ready for presentation tomorrow.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Homework 9/14

Homework: Math WB 2.5 - 2.6, Journal, What is your least favorite subject in school? Why?, Reading WB 76-78 and read 30 minutes from story book.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Homework 9/13

Homework: Reading - Read for 30 minutes from story book, Reading WB 74-75: Spelling - Write sentences for new words: Math WB 2.4: Test - sign spelling test

Friday, September 9, 2011


Homework: Math, WB 2.3; Spelling, study for quiz; Reading, Journal "write about your favorite subject in school; English, WB blackline master pages1-3

Dear Parents,

The second week of classes for the second grade has flown by. The class is working very well together and is now fully into the class routine. In Science we continued our “Plant” chapter by collecting leaves, sketching them, and categorizing them to be placed on a poster board for display in the classroom. In Math we took our first quiz and started chapter 2 which is learning different ways to add numbers. This week we started our Reading and English book and are practicing multiple ways to learn reading skills. Everyday the students are getting exposure in reading out loud, reading silently, being read to, doing vocabulary activities, and writing. Next week we will continue on these subjects as well as have our first presentation on how the students categorized their leaf poster.

On this blog I have started posting the homework for each day, just in case your child forgets their homework book.

Mrs. Faye will be starting the auditions for our school play, “Annie”, shortly. If any of the second graders would like to try out for a major role in the play they will have to audition by reading a part of the script and singing part of a song from memory.  More to come in this on when I know when the auditions will take place.

Clubs will start on Wednesday (9/14). Just a reminder that the buses will take the students home after clubs on Monday and Wednesday. However for activities on Tuesday, Thursday or Friday the bus children will have to be picked up at school if they are in after school activities on these days.

Each month the school has a theme word that I base my student of the week decisions on. This month the theme word is respectful.
Congratulations to Mami for being this week’s student of the week.

Next weeks tests:

Spelling on Tuesday on the following words; does, don’t, fast, first, five, found, gave, goes, green, its.

Math on Friday on Chapter 2 “adding”

Science on Friday on Chapter 1 “plants”, Group presentation on the leaf project


Thursday, September 8, 2011

September 8

Homework: Math WB 2.1-2.2, English WB pages 1-6, Science - Collect leaves around house, test sign

Friday, September 2, 2011

Dear Parents,

I would like to welcome you to my first weekly blog entry of the 2011/2012 school year!

You will find what has been taught in the class, upcoming test dates as well as other classroom related news in this blog.  It is updated every Friday so you can check it over the weekend. 

This year we have 11 students from 4 different countries!  The first week has flown by so quickly and we have got a lot done already.  This week, much of the time was spent on setting up the class routine.  I gave each student a job to do around the classroom.  Collaboratively they can all contribute to make sure that the class runs smoothly.  It is important that the students know their responsibilities and always complete their job before going home. 

We have also been looking at the various subjects for the year.  In Math, we reviewed concepts learned in the first grade and started Chapter One in the book on Number Concepts.  In Science, we talked about what a scientist does and how we can act like them to make self-discoveries.  We also started Chapter One of "Plants are Living Things" where we took a walkabout around the school collecting seeds, learned how to categorize them and finally planted them to track their growth.  In Reading and English class, we read our first class story and looked at how to recognize the story setting, characters and main idea. 

In Spelling I will give a spelling quiz on 10 words every Monday.  For the first 6 weeks the words will be from the Second Grade Dolch Sight List.  These words are commonly used words that students should know how to spell, use and recognize at the second grade level.  Not only should the students know how to spell them but also use them properly in sentences and easily recognize them when reading stories. 

We can discuss more about the class routine and various study subjects at the Parent-Teacher Meeting on the evening of September 15.  However if you have specific questions please email me ( or drop by before or after class to chat.

Quizzes and test for the week of September 5-9
Monday Spelling quiz on the following words: always, around, because, been, before, best, both, buy, call, cold.     
Thursday Math quiz on Chapter 1 (Number Concepts)

Congratulations to Ee Heng for being the most respectful student this week!

I hope you and your child are as excited about the school year as I am.  It's going to be full of self-discovery, fun and learning!

Have a great week,

James Anderson