Friday, September 30, 2011

Week 4

Dear Parents,

Welcome back to the 2nd grade blog.  

It has been a productive week.  The students worked very hard on their first Social Studies portfolio entry - My Family Tree.  It will also be our second class presentation theme.  For the Reading Class, we finished up the first unit of reading on “Silly Stories.”  In Math Class, we continued learning about data, graphing and probability and for next week we will finish this chapter and begin studying for the Unit 1 Test.  In English Class, we completed the first unit on “The Sentence.”  For the coming week, the students will start writing a personal narrative by learning the different stages in the writing process: prewriting, drafting, revising, proofreading and publishing.

Mrs. Faye would like to announce that the general audition for the musical “Annie” will be held in the school library on Friday, October 14th from 3:15 to 5:15 PM.  Parents and students are all welcome to come and see the students try out for the play.

Another upcoming school event is the Fancy Dress Day (Halloween) on October 26.

Congratulations to Masatoshi Adachi for being this week’s Student of the Week.  October’s school-wide theme is “being open-minded” and I will be basing my student of the week decision on classroom behavior and being open-minded towards others views and cultures.

Quizzes and presentations for the week of October 3-7

- Spelling quiz on Monday: would, write, your price, tied, stray, bakery, fluffy, twelve, thorn.

- Math quiz on Chapter 4 will be on Wednesday

- Social Studies presentation will be on Wednesday afternoon.  I would like the students to talk about their family members by sharing with the class each family members 1) name, 2) relations, 3) where they live, 4) something interesting of each member who the students' have included in their family tree portfolio.  The students are not required to memorize all this information as they can refer to their portfolio during the presentation. 

Math Unit test 1 (Chapters 1-4) will be on Friday

Website of the week for students extra practice on the computer at home is

Have a wonderful week!

James Anderson

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