Friday, September 9, 2011

Dear Parents,

The second week of classes for the second grade has flown by. The class is working very well together and is now fully into the class routine. In Science we continued our “Plant” chapter by collecting leaves, sketching them, and categorizing them to be placed on a poster board for display in the classroom. In Math we took our first quiz and started chapter 2 which is learning different ways to add numbers. This week we started our Reading and English book and are practicing multiple ways to learn reading skills. Everyday the students are getting exposure in reading out loud, reading silently, being read to, doing vocabulary activities, and writing. Next week we will continue on these subjects as well as have our first presentation on how the students categorized their leaf poster.

On this blog I have started posting the homework for each day, just in case your child forgets their homework book.

Mrs. Faye will be starting the auditions for our school play, “Annie”, shortly. If any of the second graders would like to try out for a major role in the play they will have to audition by reading a part of the script and singing part of a song from memory.  More to come in this on when I know when the auditions will take place.

Clubs will start on Wednesday (9/14). Just a reminder that the buses will take the students home after clubs on Monday and Wednesday. However for activities on Tuesday, Thursday or Friday the bus children will have to be picked up at school if they are in after school activities on these days.

Each month the school has a theme word that I base my student of the week decisions on. This month the theme word is respectful.
Congratulations to Mami for being this week’s student of the week.

Next weeks tests:

Spelling on Tuesday on the following words; does, don’t, fast, first, five, found, gave, goes, green, its.

Math on Friday on Chapter 2 “adding”

Science on Friday on Chapter 1 “plants”, Group presentation on the leaf project


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