Wednesday, November 30, 2011

11/30 Homework

Homework: Read 30 minutes and log in Library journal, Math WB 10.2, Journal "What are your least favorite foods? How do you feel when you eat them?"

2nd Grade Read-A-Thon sponsor count 31 (most out of any class thus far!!!) Keep it up!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Student Count Down to Christmas

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Greeting card made with Smilebox

11/29 Homework

November Students of the Week
Homework: Read for 30 minutes, Math WB 10.1, Reading Comprehension WB "Homework", 

Continue looking for sponsors. Class Total today is 11 sponsors

Monday, November 28, 2011

11/28 Homework

Homework: Math review chapters 7-9 for unit 3 test, Read for 30 minutes, Talk to parents about Read-a-thon,  Reading WB 136-137, Spelling Write sentences for new words (midnight, ribbon, twisted, wagon, canyon, juice, crumb, suit, threw, commute).

Friday, November 25, 2011

November 28 to December 2

What a busy week we have had here at H.I.S.! Thank you to all the parents for the wonderful food you brought in for Thanksgiving lunch.

In class, the students finished Chapter 9: Fractions in Math and will be taking Unit 3 test next week. In Science we started a new chapter on Rocks, Soil and Fossils. Next week we will continue with this chapter which will include taking a short field trip around the school to collect samples of rocks and soil. In English we finished Chapter 4 focusing on Nouns. Next week we will work on writing a story. In Reading Class, the students started Theme 3 in our Reading book and read a story about Neighborhoods. I am extremely impressed by all the independent reading going on in class. Students seem to really enjoy reading and I am noticing more and more students starting to read longer chapter books for the first time. Keep it up! 

We have a lot of awards to note this week. 

Congratulations to Ee Heng for winning the second grade Caring Kid Award for being the best “buddy” not “bully” in class. 

Caring Kid Award Winners!

We had a poster competition between first and second grade to promote “Anti Bullying” in school. Congratulations to Mami and Ayane for winning first place for the Awareness Poster and Victoria and Yvette for winning third place. Their posters are on display in the library for all the school to enjoy. 

1st place!

3rd Place!

Great posters

Finally, congratulations to Victoria Lee for being this week’s Student of the Week. She has been very responsible in class and has been a reading machine! 

Student of the Week
Dates to remember 

- Monday: Spelling quiz (thoughtless, yard, hose, serve, mirror, steel, steal, weight, wait, wring)

- Tuesday: Math test on Unit 3

- December 5-9 is Literacy Week which will include a Spelling Bee on December 9 (parents are welcome to attend). Mr. Harpster has given me the list of words for the second grade and I have given the list to the students to review for the Spelling Bee. There will also be a Read-A-Thon starting on December 5 and ending on January 6. More to come on this and other activities we have planned for this week.

- December 15 is the Christmas Concert 

Second Grade Reading Tip.

- Reading for Meaning:
In second grade, children learn strategies to draw meaning from what they read. They should be able to recognize the sequence of events in a story, as well as anticipate the possible outcome. Important skills should include retelling familiar stories, summarizing the main ideas and plot, and identifying the characters and settings. Kids may be asked to compare and contrast the lives of characters in stories to their own lives. They may also be asked questions about the text, such as who, what, when, where, why, and how. Kids at this age should learn to use a dictionary and thesaurus to discover the meanings of words.

Have a wonderful week!

James Anderson

Happy Birthday Ayane

School Assembly 

Happy Thanksgiving

Looks Delicious 

Beautiful Butterflies!

11/25 Homework - Happy B-Day Ayane

Homework: Read for 30 minutes, Math WS and sign test, Journal "What are your favorite foods? Describe how it feels to eat each of the food.", Reading WB 131-134, Spelling study for quiz  (thoughtless, yard, hose, serve, mirror, steel, steal, weight, wait, wring).

Thursday, November 24, 2011

11/24 Homework - Happy Thanksgiving!

Homework: Read for 30 minutes, Math review for quiz, Reading Comprehension WB "The pet store", Reading WB 126-130, English Sign Test.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Homework: Read for 30 minutes, Math WB 9.5, English Blackline Master 28-30 and review for quiz.

See you tomorrow downstairs in the cafeteria at 12:30 for Thanksgiving lunch!

* Due to the Thanksgiving lunch tomorrow the second grade Chinese class will be moved from Thursday to Friday afternoon.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Homework 11/22

Homework: Read for 30 minutes, Math WB 9.4, Spelling Write sentences for new words (thoughtless, yard, hose, serve, mirror, steel, steal, weight, wait, wring), English Blackline Master WB 25-27.

*Presentations of the neighborhood map has been moved to Tuesday 11/29 due to all the extra events going on at the end of this week.

Monday, November 21, 2011

11/21 Homework

Homework: Read for 30 minutes, Math WB 9.3, Spelling study for quiz

Anti-Bullying Skit. Well Done!

Friday, November 18, 2011

11/18 Homework

Homework: Read for 30 minutes, Journal "Write about what you do on the weekends. How do your weekends differ from you weekdays?", Reading WB 120-125, Math WB 9.2, Study for spelling quiz (sloppy, log, croak, swiftly, lonesome, wasteful, coal, grown, motion, accomplish)
Second Graders are Super Stars!

Awareness week was a success! The students learned how to be a good
friend, made anti-bullying posters and preformed a skit at the Friday
assembly promoting what they learned during the week.

In class, we finished Math Chapter 7 on Solid Shapes and started
Chapter 8 on Fractions. In English we continued working with nouns
and in Reading we learned about Fables. Please feel free to ask you
child what their favourite fable was they learned in class and share
any fables with your child that you hold dear. In Social Studies we
continued our focus on maps.

Next Friday (11/25) will be the students' third overall presentation
and we will discuss their neighbourhood map. They will show the
compass rose, talk about their key and where landmarks are on their
neighbourhood map. Next Thursday is also the school's Thanksgiving
lunch. I have sent home reminder slips today with what you have
volunteered to bring in. The lunch will begin at 12:30 but feel free
to come in a little earlier to help prepare your food. The lunch will end at
approximately 1:45.

The second grade would like to welcome back Mami Sugiura. We all
missed you while you were gone and are glad you are feeling better.

Congratulations to Richard Tsai for being this week's Student of the
Week. Richard helped promote anti-bullying week with his classmates.
Keep up the great work!

Student of the Week

November 21-25 Quizzes

- Monday Spelling Quiz (sloppy, log, croak, swiftly, lonesome,
wasteful, coal, grown, motion, accomplish)
- Thursday English Quiz on Chapter 3 Nouns
- Friday Math Quiz on Chapter 8 Factions sentences explanation
- Friday: Neighborhood Presentations (Students will show which
direction is North, South, East, West, and describe all locations of
their key on the map)

Reading Tip of the Week -
Reading aloud by Second Graders: the emphasis should be on students
reading their own material, but they should still get many
opportunities to listen to books read aloud. Not only does this offer
students a model of fluency, but it also fosters a love of books. It
should also help your child understand vocabulary and language
patterns in more complex texts. By discussing books before and after
they are read aloud, both teachers and parents can help increase
literacy no matter what a child's reading level is.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

11/17 Homework

Homework: Read for 30 minutes, Reading Comprehension WB "Problem Solved", English Grammar WB 33-34, Math WB 9.1 and sign test.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Homework: Read for 30 minutes, Journal "Do you have any nicknames? Describe where the nicknames came from and what they mean to you. If you don't have one can you think of one and write why that would be a good nickname." Math Review for Chapter 8 Quiz.

Just say no to bullying!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Homework 11/15

Homework: English Grammar WB 28-32, Math WB 8.4-8.5, Read for 30 minutes.

* All students are to wear blue clothes tomorrow (11/16) to promote Awareness Week.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Homework 11/14

Homework: English WB Blackline Master 22-24, Math WB 8.5, Spelling Write sentences for new words (sloppy, log, croak, swiftly, lonesome, wasteful, coal, grown, motion, accomplish) Read for 30 minutes.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Homework 11-11-11

Homework: Read for 30 minutes, Journal "What do you think is the perfect age? If you could choose one age and stay that age forever, what would you choose?", Math WS, English Comprehension WB "Making cookies", Spelling study for quiz.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

November 14-18

It's been raining outside but inside the classroom it is been raining brain power!

The students are flying in Math and before we knew it we have finished Chapter 7: Plane Shapes and begun with Chapter 8: Solid Shapes. In Social Studies, we are continuing our Neighbourhood Map chapter.
Finally I was able to get a hold of some caterpillars for the Science Class. Each student has their own pet now and we all look forward to watching the caterpillar's life cycle play out. In English, we have been learning about Nouns and Pronouns.

Next week the school will be having an Awareness Week (11/14-11/18) with a focus on recognizing and putting an end to bullying. We will have various activities during the week to promote it.

Congratulations to Michael Wang for being this week's Student of the Week. Michael works very well independently and has been getting along great with classmates and teachers. Keep up the great work!
Feel better soon Michael and Mami!

Dates to remember for November 14-18

- Monday: Spelling quiz (bashful, private, court, bled, breeze, globe, coast, spoke, shown, block)

- Wednesday is dress all in Blue day to help promote Awareness Week

- Thursday: Math Quiz on Chapter 8

Building Readers Together "Tip of the Week"
Building fluency and meaning

In second grade, children begin reading for meaning, not simply as a way of sounding out simple sentences. Classrooms should give children many opportunities to read — silently on their own, aloud in groups, and aloud with a partner. Second grade curriculum should also include listening to books read aloud. Students often reread stories to increase their fluency, or their ability to read quickly and accurately with expression.

11/10 Homework

Homework: Read for 30 minutes, English - Grammar WB 23-27, Math 8.2-8.3.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

11/9 Homework

Homework: Reading book pages 222-236 "Owl Moon" "Owls" and answer number 1 on page 237, Math WB 8.1 and sign test.

Happy Birthday Yvette!!! Have a great night.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Homework 11/8

Homework: Read for 30 minutes, English Blackline Master 19-21, Spelling write new sentences (bashful, private, court, bled, breeze, globe, coast, spoke, shown, block), sign test, Math review chapter 7 for quiz, Science sign test.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Homework 11/7

Homework: Read for 30 minutes, English Grammar WB 19-22, Spelling Study for quiz, Math WB 7.8, Sign reading and handwriting quiz.

Thank you to all the parents who filled out the HIS Thanksgiving celebration form on what you would like to bring in on that day. As of now, no one has offered to bring in a meat dish. Would one or two of the parents like to volunteer to change the food to duck, chicken or turkey?

Thank you.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Homework 11/4

Homework: Read for 30 minutes, Journal "Write about your brothers and sisters. If you don't have any, do you wish you did? Math WB 7.7, Science Review WB chapters 1-3 for test, Social Studies Make a map of your neighborhood, see blog for details.

November 7-11

Dear Parents,

What a great week it was for the second grade class. All of us enjoyed the outdoor "Fun Day" on Wednesday very much, even though it was an unusually hot day.

In Art Class this week we have started making "Pattern Leaves" to display around the classroom to usher in the fall season.

We have also started a new Social Studies unit - Depending on Others - and as part of homework students are to make a rough map of their neighborhood, mapping an approximately 2-3 block radius around your house. I have sent home a map template for them to make their map on. Students will mark any government buildings, stores (what kind), apartments, parks and any other landmarks that they could put on a map. This map should include a compass rose, key and title. The best way to do this is for your child to walk around your neighbourhood and to note down these things. For safety reasons, they should always be accompanied by you or an adult guardian. Please help your child find the direction of north and make a compass rose on the map. Students are only required to make a rough draft as homework as we will be making the final draft in class. Thank you for your support and help.

Your child will bring home a sheet of paper on Friday 4th November confirming our appointment time for the Parent/Teacher Conference. Attached to that is a separate Pre-conference Form to be filled out by you and brought in as soon as possible. I look forward to talking to you more next week.

Congratulations to Aoi for being the Student of the Week. Aoi did an amazing job acting as the class captain this week!

Quiz/Test November 7-11

- Monday Spelling Quiz (blind, built, ripe, sigh, polish, champion, crumble, prepared, innocent, reporter)

- Monday Science Unit 1 Test on Chapters 1-3

- Wednesday Math Chapter 7 quiz on Plane Shapes

Thursday, November 3, 2011

11/3 Homework

Homework: Read for 30 minutes, Math WB 7.5-7.6 and English WB Blackline Master 16-18

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Homework 11/2

Homework: Read for 30 minutes, Comprehension WB "Where is Kitty", Math WB 7.3-7.4, Science Sign test, Social Studies WB Map activity 2.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

11/1 Homework

Homework: Math WS, Spelling Write sentences for spelling words (blind, built, ripe, sigh, polish, champion, crumble, prepared, innocent, reporter), Reading WB 113-118, read for 30 minutes. Just a reminder that "fun day" is tomorrow starting at 1:30. The students can either come dressed as their team theme or can change into it after lunch.