Friday, November 18, 2011

Second Graders are Super Stars!

Awareness week was a success! The students learned how to be a good
friend, made anti-bullying posters and preformed a skit at the Friday
assembly promoting what they learned during the week.

In class, we finished Math Chapter 7 on Solid Shapes and started
Chapter 8 on Fractions. In English we continued working with nouns
and in Reading we learned about Fables. Please feel free to ask you
child what their favourite fable was they learned in class and share
any fables with your child that you hold dear. In Social Studies we
continued our focus on maps.

Next Friday (11/25) will be the students' third overall presentation
and we will discuss their neighbourhood map. They will show the
compass rose, talk about their key and where landmarks are on their
neighbourhood map. Next Thursday is also the school's Thanksgiving
lunch. I have sent home reminder slips today with what you have
volunteered to bring in. The lunch will begin at 12:30 but feel free
to come in a little earlier to help prepare your food. The lunch will end at
approximately 1:45.

The second grade would like to welcome back Mami Sugiura. We all
missed you while you were gone and are glad you are feeling better.

Congratulations to Richard Tsai for being this week's Student of the
Week. Richard helped promote anti-bullying week with his classmates.
Keep up the great work!

Student of the Week

November 21-25 Quizzes

- Monday Spelling Quiz (sloppy, log, croak, swiftly, lonesome,
wasteful, coal, grown, motion, accomplish)
- Thursday English Quiz on Chapter 3 Nouns
- Friday Math Quiz on Chapter 8 Factions sentences explanation
- Friday: Neighborhood Presentations (Students will show which
direction is North, South, East, West, and describe all locations of
their key on the map)

Reading Tip of the Week -
Reading aloud by Second Graders: the emphasis should be on students
reading their own material, but they should still get many
opportunities to listen to books read aloud. Not only does this offer
students a model of fluency, but it also fosters a love of books. It
should also help your child understand vocabulary and language
patterns in more complex texts. By discussing books before and after
they are read aloud, both teachers and parents can help increase
literacy no matter what a child's reading level is.

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