Friday, November 25, 2011

November 28 to December 2

What a busy week we have had here at H.I.S.! Thank you to all the parents for the wonderful food you brought in for Thanksgiving lunch.

In class, the students finished Chapter 9: Fractions in Math and will be taking Unit 3 test next week. In Science we started a new chapter on Rocks, Soil and Fossils. Next week we will continue with this chapter which will include taking a short field trip around the school to collect samples of rocks and soil. In English we finished Chapter 4 focusing on Nouns. Next week we will work on writing a story. In Reading Class, the students started Theme 3 in our Reading book and read a story about Neighborhoods. I am extremely impressed by all the independent reading going on in class. Students seem to really enjoy reading and I am noticing more and more students starting to read longer chapter books for the first time. Keep it up! 

We have a lot of awards to note this week. 

Congratulations to Ee Heng for winning the second grade Caring Kid Award for being the best “buddy” not “bully” in class. 

Caring Kid Award Winners!

We had a poster competition between first and second grade to promote “Anti Bullying” in school. Congratulations to Mami and Ayane for winning first place for the Awareness Poster and Victoria and Yvette for winning third place. Their posters are on display in the library for all the school to enjoy. 

1st place!

3rd Place!

Great posters

Finally, congratulations to Victoria Lee for being this week’s Student of the Week. She has been very responsible in class and has been a reading machine! 

Student of the Week
Dates to remember 

- Monday: Spelling quiz (thoughtless, yard, hose, serve, mirror, steel, steal, weight, wait, wring)

- Tuesday: Math test on Unit 3

- December 5-9 is Literacy Week which will include a Spelling Bee on December 9 (parents are welcome to attend). Mr. Harpster has given me the list of words for the second grade and I have given the list to the students to review for the Spelling Bee. There will also be a Read-A-Thon starting on December 5 and ending on January 6. More to come on this and other activities we have planned for this week.

- December 15 is the Christmas Concert 

Second Grade Reading Tip.

- Reading for Meaning:
In second grade, children learn strategies to draw meaning from what they read. They should be able to recognize the sequence of events in a story, as well as anticipate the possible outcome. Important skills should include retelling familiar stories, summarizing the main ideas and plot, and identifying the characters and settings. Kids may be asked to compare and contrast the lives of characters in stories to their own lives. They may also be asked questions about the text, such as who, what, when, where, why, and how. Kids at this age should learn to use a dictionary and thesaurus to discover the meanings of words.

Have a wonderful week!

James Anderson

Happy Birthday Ayane

School Assembly 

Happy Thanksgiving

Looks Delicious 

Beautiful Butterflies!

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