Friday, December 16, 2011

Happy Holidays!

Congratulations to the second grade class for a wonderful job in their Christmas performance!

After the break dates to remember January 3-6

Tuesday Spelling Quiz

Friday Math Quiz on Chapter 11

Congratulations to Mami Sugiura for being this weeks student of the week. She did an amazing job as the class captain.

12/16 Homework

Christmas Break Homework is given to you to keep your skills fresh. If you are traveling you can bring it all with you because it is light. Do as much as you can, if you are busy with other activities you do not have to finish everything. This is your break have fun!

Everyday read 30 minutes from a book and every other day read out loud to someone (mom, dad, friend, brother, sister, cat, fish, etc) for 15 minutes. Be sure to write it in your homework book (Read-a-thon) and Library Journal.  
Write three journal entries;
1) I am proud because……
2) If I were President I would…….
3) Why is the President so important?

Study spelling words for quiz on Tuesday (howl, bounce, shout, aloud, couple, estimate, fossil, erosion, humus, proud).
Math Work Sheets
Be ready for class on Monday (1/3)! 

Thursday, December 15, 2011

12/15 Homework

Homework: Read for 30 minutes, Music Wear black shirt and pants and be at the school at 6:00. Students are to go to B1.

Bring Secret Santa gift in and any snacks you wish to share on Friday.

Noooooo! Trying to stay warm.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

12/14 Homework

Homework: Read for 30 minutes, Reading Comprehension WB "The Big Egg", Math WB 11.5

Music, Student are supposed to be at the school at 6:00pm dressed in all black, I will help tape their letter on their back if it has fallen off. The performance will start at 6:30 and will end before 8:00.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

12/12 Homework

Homework: Read for 30 minutes, Math WB 11.4, English WB black line master 37-40, Music Wear black shirt and black pants to school for the music practice from 8:30-10:30am.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Homework 12/12

Homework: Read for 30 minutes, write minutes in HW book and have parents sign, Math WB 11.3, Spelling Write sentences for new words.

Friday, December 9, 2011

December 12-16

Literacy Week was a success! Congratulations to everyone in the 2nd grade class!

Next week is the last week before the Christmas break.  And we will
have a class party on Friday.  Students are welcome to bring in snacks
or drinks to share with their classmates.  We are also having a secret
gift exchange - each student has been given a name of another student
to buy and wrap a present for (please do not spend more than NT$200 on
the present).  Once the present is wrapped, the students can bring it
to the class to keep until Friday when we will open all the presents
together at the party.  Please note: that the school will end early on
Friday at 1:00 PM.

Student of the Week

Congratulations to Yvette Coort for being this week's Student of the
Week.  Yvette has been very responsible in class and always has a
thankful attitude.

Spelling Finalists

Congratulations to all the students for their brilliant performance in
the Spelling Bee.  The results are: Michael Wang - 3rd place; Ee Heng
Kok - 2nd place; Wilson Tang - 1st place.

Finally, I was very impressed with the stories that the students have
been working on.  It was exciting to see them progress through all the
stages of writing, starting with their ideas and finishing with a
published book.  Well done!  The writing contest results are: Wilson
Tang - 3rd place; Ee Heng Kok - 2nd place; Ayane Kono - 1st place.

Story Books

For the upcoming week, here are some dates to note:

- Monday Spelling quiz (ripple, rigid, parched, stow, throng, roof,
stood, cocoon, smooth, stool)
- Wednesday we will celebrate Wilson's Birthday  
- Thursday we will celebrate Mami's Birthday 
- Friday is the Christmas Party.  School will end at 1:00 PM.

Math Time

12/9 Homework

Homework: Read for 30 minutes, Journal "What is your favorite weather? What activities do you do during this weather?", Reading WB 145-148

Thursday, December 8, 2011

12/8 Homework

Homework: Read for 30 minutes, log reading minutes in library book and Read-a-thon sheet. English Finish book cover, Reading Comprehension WB "Bananas and pineapples", Math WB 11.1-11.2 and sign test

Prepare for Spelling Bee

Music Prepare black shirt and pants to wear next Wednesday to school.

Caves Book Sale

That looks like a great book!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

12/7 Homework

Homework: Read for 30 minutes and write minutes in HW and library book, Math Review for quiz on Chapter 10, Music Prepare black shirt and pants to bring in next Wednesday.

Student Evaluation of Peer Writing 

Peer Writing Conference
Revising the Story 

Peer Editing

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

12/6 Homework

Homework: Read for 30 minutes and log your reading minutes in your library log and Read-a-thon log, Math WS, Reading WB 142-144,

Music, Prepare black shirt and black pants to wear to school next Wednesday.

Read-a-thon, please bring your sponsor form into class (12/7) so I get a class count of the number of sponsors the second grade has.

Monday, December 5, 2011

12/5 Homework

Homework: Read for 30 minutes and write minutes in your library log and your read-a-thon log, Math WB 10.6-10.7, Spelling Write sentences for new words (ripple, rigid, parched, stow, throng, roof, stood, cocoon, smooth, stool)

2nd grade Read-A-Thon Sponsor count 48

Can you find Mr. Anderson?

Thursday, December 1, 2011

December 5-9

Welcome to Literacy Week!

Next week is a special week - we as a school will focus on all things literary.

Things to expect include:
1. The students will write their own story and turn it into a book to display around the class and the school. 2. The Read-a-Thon will officially start on December 5th and end on January 6th 2012. During this time, the students will write down all the minutes they read on the back of the homework book and a parent or teacher will sign their book for the minutes to count towards their grand total.
3. Caves Books will be at the school all day if students and parents would like to purchase books on Wednesday.
4. Friday is the Spelling Bee which will begin at 1:10 PM. Parents are welcome to come and watch this event. Students also have the option not be a part of the Spelling Bee. Please let me know if your child will not compete. This will be a really fun week promoting literacy!

Please let me know if you have any question about the upcoming Literacy week.

In class, we will finish Chapter 10 in Math (two-digit addition) and start Chapter 11. In English we will go through the stages of writing a story and the students will finish their own stories. In Science we will finish Chapter 6 on Rocks, Soil and Fossils. In Reading we will continue to read stories in the book and complete related work in the Reading Practice Book.

Congratulations to Michael Wang for being this week’s Student of the Week! Michael had a stellar presentation.

Dates to Remember December 5th-9th

Monday - Spelling quiz (midnight, ribbon, twisted, wagon, canyon, juice, crumb, suit, threw, commute) 
Tuesday - Reading quiz
Wednesday – Caves book sale in the library
Thursday - Math quiz on Chapter 10
Friday - Science quiz on Chapter 6 and Spelling Bee 1:10 in the library

2nd grade Sciencists

Who knew rocks were so interesting!

My Neighboorhood

Presentation time

Homework 12/2

Homework: Math WB 10.4-10.5, Read for 30 minutes, English Finish first draft of your story. Add more detail about the main character, Comprehension WB "Main Idea", Spelling study for quiz.

Read-a-thon sponcor count = 40.

I found the wishbone!

Happy Thanksgiving!