Friday, December 9, 2011

December 12-16

Literacy Week was a success! Congratulations to everyone in the 2nd grade class!

Next week is the last week before the Christmas break.  And we will
have a class party on Friday.  Students are welcome to bring in snacks
or drinks to share with their classmates.  We are also having a secret
gift exchange - each student has been given a name of another student
to buy and wrap a present for (please do not spend more than NT$200 on
the present).  Once the present is wrapped, the students can bring it
to the class to keep until Friday when we will open all the presents
together at the party.  Please note: that the school will end early on
Friday at 1:00 PM.

Student of the Week

Congratulations to Yvette Coort for being this week's Student of the
Week.  Yvette has been very responsible in class and always has a
thankful attitude.

Spelling Finalists

Congratulations to all the students for their brilliant performance in
the Spelling Bee.  The results are: Michael Wang - 3rd place; Ee Heng
Kok - 2nd place; Wilson Tang - 1st place.

Finally, I was very impressed with the stories that the students have
been working on.  It was exciting to see them progress through all the
stages of writing, starting with their ideas and finishing with a
published book.  Well done!  The writing contest results are: Wilson
Tang - 3rd place; Ee Heng Kok - 2nd place; Ayane Kono - 1st place.

Story Books

For the upcoming week, here are some dates to note:

- Monday Spelling quiz (ripple, rigid, parched, stow, throng, roof,
stood, cocoon, smooth, stool)
- Wednesday we will celebrate Wilson's Birthday  
- Thursday we will celebrate Mami's Birthday 
- Friday is the Christmas Party.  School will end at 1:00 PM.

Math Time

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