Thursday, December 1, 2011

December 5-9

Welcome to Literacy Week!

Next week is a special week - we as a school will focus on all things literary.

Things to expect include:
1. The students will write their own story and turn it into a book to display around the class and the school. 2. The Read-a-Thon will officially start on December 5th and end on January 6th 2012. During this time, the students will write down all the minutes they read on the back of the homework book and a parent or teacher will sign their book for the minutes to count towards their grand total.
3. Caves Books will be at the school all day if students and parents would like to purchase books on Wednesday.
4. Friday is the Spelling Bee which will begin at 1:10 PM. Parents are welcome to come and watch this event. Students also have the option not be a part of the Spelling Bee. Please let me know if your child will not compete. This will be a really fun week promoting literacy!

Please let me know if you have any question about the upcoming Literacy week.

In class, we will finish Chapter 10 in Math (two-digit addition) and start Chapter 11. In English we will go through the stages of writing a story and the students will finish their own stories. In Science we will finish Chapter 6 on Rocks, Soil and Fossils. In Reading we will continue to read stories in the book and complete related work in the Reading Practice Book.

Congratulations to Michael Wang for being this week’s Student of the Week! Michael had a stellar presentation.

Dates to Remember December 5th-9th

Monday - Spelling quiz (midnight, ribbon, twisted, wagon, canyon, juice, crumb, suit, threw, commute) 
Tuesday - Reading quiz
Wednesday – Caves book sale in the library
Thursday - Math quiz on Chapter 10
Friday - Science quiz on Chapter 6 and Spelling Bee 1:10 in the library

2nd grade Sciencists

Who knew rocks were so interesting!

My Neighboorhood

Presentation time

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