Thursday, May 31, 2012

5/31 Homework

Homework: Read for 30 minutes, English Grammar WB 78-81 and review for quiz, Math WB 22.1 and sign test, Social Studies finish invention project.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

5/30 Homework

Homework: Read for 30 minutes, English Grammar WB 73-75, Math Review for quiz, Social Studies - Start invention project on paper (due Friday 6/1) *If you wish to make your invention at home and share it with the class on Friday please let me know.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

5/29 Homework

Homework: Read for 30 minutes, English Blackline master 80-81, Math WB 21.5

Parents, friends and relatives are welcome to come to the school anytime tomorrow to look at all the artwork in the Kindergarten room.

Inventions Research Websites

List of inventions with date and inventor with some information

List of inventions with date and inventor

Facts about inventions and inventors

Monday, May 28, 2012

5/28 Homework

Homework: Read for 30 minutes, English blackline master WB 77-79, Math WB 21.4, Spelling Write sentences for new words, Science sign test.

Friday, May 25, 2012

May 28 - June 1

Good day to all 2nd grade blog followers. This has been a very educational week capped with what I'm guessing will be a wonderful performance of Annie by students at HIS. 

In Reading class this week we read a story called "Moses Goes to a Concert" and the students were able to learn and practice communicating using sign language, which they greatly enjoyed. Next week we will read a story that is fitting for our upcoming Art Show at HIS called "The School Mural". The HIS art show will be held on Wednesday May 30 and you are welcome to see some of your child's art work as well as other art work done by the elementary students here at HIS. 

In Science we completed a chapter on Making Sound. Next week in Social Science we will focus on inventions including learning who invented certain things that we use today. We will also start a research project where each student will research about one inventor and will present their findings to the class. 

In Math this week we finished chapter 20 on Numbers Up To 1,000 and next week we will continue with chapter 21 Adding Three Digit Numbers.  In English next week we will finish Unit 9 on Capitalization and Punctuation. 

Congratulations to Ayane Kono for being this weeks student of the week. She is always prepared for class and completes her work with the utmost care. Keep it up!

Dates to remember May 28 - June 1
Monday Spelling quiz (silent, human, chosen, reason, fever, frozen, moment, stolen, license, radar)
Tuesday Handwriting quiz 
Wednesday Art Show
Thursday Math quiz on Chapter 21 
Friday English Quiz on Unit 9 Capitalization/Punctuation

Have a wonderful weekend. It's hard to believe that June will be here soon!

5/25 Homework

Homework: Read for 30 minutes, English Blackline Master WB 74-76, Math WB 21.2-21.3, Spelling review for quiz, Journal "Younger people are....."

Thursday, May 24, 2012

5/24 Homework

Homework: English Blackline Master WB 72-73, Math WB 21.1, Science Review for quiz

5/23 Homework

Homework: Read for 30 minutes, Reading WB 292-296, Math Review for Chapter 20 quiz.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

5/22 Homework

Homework: Read for 30 minutes, Reading WB 287-291, Math WB 20.8-20.9.

Monday, May 21, 2012

5/21 Homework

Homework: Read for 30 minutes, Math WB 20.6-20.7, Spelling Write sentences for new words.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

May 21-25

Short but Sweet!

This week has been a short but productive week in the second grade. In Reading class this week we read a story called "The Art Lesson" and next week we will read a story called "Moses Goes to a Concert". In Science class we started chapter 11 called Making Sound and next week we will finish this chapter. In Math we started chapter 20 on numbers up to 10,000 and next week we will finish it. In English we continued to learn about capitalization and ending marks. In Art class next week we will be getting ready for the Art show which will take place on May 30, 2012.

Next week the students at HIS will be getting ready for the show Annie. I look forward to seeing many of you there to watch this special show on either Thursday or Friday evening. 

Dates to remember May 21-25. 
Monday spelling quiz (sunnier, cities, heaviest, prettiest, studied, easier, families, crazier, copied, worried)
Friday Math chapter 20 quiz
Friday Science chapter 11 quiz on Sound

Congratulations to Ray Chang for being the student of the week. Ray's English has improved greatly and he tries to speak it with his peers as much as he can. Keep it up!

Have a great long weekend!

Best Wishes,

James Anderson

5/16 Homework

Homework: Read for 30 minutes, Math WB 20.4-20.5, Reading WB 283-286, Spelling review for quiz, Journal "Older people are...."

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

5/15 Homework

Homework: Read for 30 minutes, Reading WB 276-282 and Math WB 20.3

Monday, May 14, 2012

5/14 Homework

Homework: Read for 30 minutes, Spelling write sentences for new words (sunnier, cities, heaviest, prettiest, studied, easier, families, crazier, copied, worried), Math WB 20.1 - 20.2

Friday, May 11, 2012

May 14-16

Work hard - Play hard

This week was a good mix of serious test taking and fun activities. The students took the Iowa test very seriously and were rewarded with some fun activities afterwards. 

Congratulations to Adrien/Ayane's team and Wilson/Victoria's team for winning first place in the engineering a home to protect an egg and then seeing how high you can drop it from before it breaks. Their egg finally broke after dropping it from 50 feet up! Well done!

Next week is only a 3 day school week and classes will return to a normal schedule. In Reading we will read and discuss a story called the "Art Lesson". In Science we will start chapter 11 called "Making Sound" where we will investigate aspects of sound including making our own class band by shaking, hitting, plucking and blowing objects we find. In English we will continue with chapter 9 (capitalization and punctuation) and in Math we will start Chapter 20 on number up to 10,000. 

Happy Mothers Day this Sunday! Your child will be giving you a surprise on your special day!

Congratulations to Victoria Lee for being this weeks student of the week. She has been very responsible and has been writing excellent journals.

Engineering a protective home for your egg

Get ready to drop it!

Monday, May 7, 2012

5/7 - 5/11 Homework

Homework: Read for 30 minutes, be rested and ready for the Iowa tests.

Friday, May 4, 2012

May 7-11

What an exciting day we had on the field trip to Green World. Thank you to all the parents who battled the heat and helped watch the kids. 

Next week we will be taking the Iowa tests. Please see the schedule I've posted on my blog earlier in the week to see which tests will be taken on which days. We have taken the practice exam which your child should have brought home to share with you so you have an idea of the format and types of questions. Please ensure your child eats a good breakfast and gets enough sleep prior to coming to school. There will be no homework or tests (other than the Iowa) given next week.

This week the students finished chapter 17 in Math on weight, capacity and temperature. In English we finish the descriptive story (which I will post on my blog soon) and started the next unit on capitalization and punctuation.  In Reading we read a Chapter book story called "Crazy Cool Cricket Club".  I was quiet impressed by the students improvements in fluency and pronunciation while reading this story out loud. In Social Studies we read a chapter on what it means to be apart of a country with a focus on holidays. 

Next week we will have some light activities after the Iowa tests, such as art, writing and engineering an egg holder from garbage and seeing how high you can drop it with out it breaking (a second grade favorite).

Congratulations to Aoi Fujimoto for being this weeks student of the week. Aoi has been very responsible in class and did a great job navigating us through Green World. Keep it up!

Student of the Week

                            Field Trip to Green World

5/4 Homework

Homework: Read for 30 minutes, Journal writing and be ready for the next weeks Iowa tests.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

5/3 Homework

Homework: Read for 30 minutes, Math Review for Unit 7 Quiz, English Blackline Master 63,64,65,68,

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Homework 5/2

Homework: Read for 30 mins, Math Review for chapter 18 quiz, English Blackline Master WB 69-71

Iowa Test Schedule May 7-11

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

5/1 Homework

Homework: Read for 30 minutes, Complete the Green World question worksheet that I gave you in the morning.