Friday, May 11, 2012

May 14-16

Work hard - Play hard

This week was a good mix of serious test taking and fun activities. The students took the Iowa test very seriously and were rewarded with some fun activities afterwards. 

Congratulations to Adrien/Ayane's team and Wilson/Victoria's team for winning first place in the engineering a home to protect an egg and then seeing how high you can drop it from before it breaks. Their egg finally broke after dropping it from 50 feet up! Well done!

Next week is only a 3 day school week and classes will return to a normal schedule. In Reading we will read and discuss a story called the "Art Lesson". In Science we will start chapter 11 called "Making Sound" where we will investigate aspects of sound including making our own class band by shaking, hitting, plucking and blowing objects we find. In English we will continue with chapter 9 (capitalization and punctuation) and in Math we will start Chapter 20 on number up to 10,000. 

Happy Mothers Day this Sunday! Your child will be giving you a surprise on your special day!

Congratulations to Victoria Lee for being this weeks student of the week. She has been very responsible and has been writing excellent journals.

Engineering a protective home for your egg

Get ready to drop it!

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