Friday, May 25, 2012

May 28 - June 1

Good day to all 2nd grade blog followers. This has been a very educational week capped with what I'm guessing will be a wonderful performance of Annie by students at HIS. 

In Reading class this week we read a story called "Moses Goes to a Concert" and the students were able to learn and practice communicating using sign language, which they greatly enjoyed. Next week we will read a story that is fitting for our upcoming Art Show at HIS called "The School Mural". The HIS art show will be held on Wednesday May 30 and you are welcome to see some of your child's art work as well as other art work done by the elementary students here at HIS. 

In Science we completed a chapter on Making Sound. Next week in Social Science we will focus on inventions including learning who invented certain things that we use today. We will also start a research project where each student will research about one inventor and will present their findings to the class. 

In Math this week we finished chapter 20 on Numbers Up To 1,000 and next week we will continue with chapter 21 Adding Three Digit Numbers.  In English next week we will finish Unit 9 on Capitalization and Punctuation. 

Congratulations to Ayane Kono for being this weeks student of the week. She is always prepared for class and completes her work with the utmost care. Keep it up!

Dates to remember May 28 - June 1
Monday Spelling quiz (silent, human, chosen, reason, fever, frozen, moment, stolen, license, radar)
Tuesday Handwriting quiz 
Wednesday Art Show
Thursday Math quiz on Chapter 21 
Friday English Quiz on Unit 9 Capitalization/Punctuation

Have a wonderful weekend. It's hard to believe that June will be here soon!

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