Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Summer Homework

Homework: Have FUN!!!

Keep your skills sharp. Write journal entries, read books, and practice with learning websites found on this blog.

I will miss you. Have a great summer!!!!

James Anderson

Monday, June 18, 2012

6/18 Homework

Homework: Read for 30 minutes, Bring in a pen for yearbook signing. 

Tomorrow school will end after lunch at 1:00pm. 

Have a great summer!!!!!

Thank you second grade students!

Friday, June 15, 2012

June 18-19

Dear Second Grade Blog Followers,

This will be my last weekly blog post of the year. Let me say from the bottom of my heart that this has been an amazing year.  It has impressed me to see the growth of all the second graders. It has been a pleasure to teach and learn from all the students throughout the year. Thank you to all the students for all your effort and willingness to be risk takers to overcome learning obstacles. Thank you to the parents for supporting your child's education and being involved and supportive. I will miss all the students very much.  

Students please continue to read and write journals entries over the summer and explore educational websites that can be found on my blog. Please also write me emails over the summer and let me know what you are up to - jamesanderson.his@gmail.com

On Wednesday we had our class Spelling Bee and Math Bee. Congratulations to everyone for impressive results. 

Spelling Bee awards 
1) Ee Heng
2) Wilson
3) Michael

Math Bee 
1) Aoi
2) Richard
3) Wilson

Monday (6/18) will be our final monthly assembly at 2:20. Some of the students (Adrien, Mami, Ayane, Victoria and Yvette) have been preparing a special end of the year song and dance during recess time that they would like to share with the school. Parents are welcome to come and watch. 

Congratulations to Wilson Tang for being this weeks student of the week. Wilson was a good class captain this week.  

Student of the Week

2nd grade class 2011-2012

Thursday, June 14, 2012

6/14 Homework

Homework: English Grammar WB 82, 83, 84, 85, Read for 30 minutes, Bring bathing suit, towel, and water guns (optional) for our water day.

Parents please arrive at 12:30 to set up for lunch. Let's plan to start eating at 12:45.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

6/13 Homework

Homework: Read for 30 minutes, Reading WB 329-332, English Blackline Master WB 82, 85.

Here is the schedule again for Friday.

12:00- 12:30  - Art class with Mrs. Sugiura - Candle making time (Mrs. Sugiura, feel free to come in earlier to prepare if need be)

12:30 - 1:30  - Potluck lunch in the 2nd grade classroom. Parents can arrive at 12:15 to prepare your dish. All are welcome. Please plan to bring in enough for 12 students and approximately 15 adults.

1:30 - 2:45  Water Fun! - Students bring your bathing suits and squirt guns for some outside fun and games (if raining I'll arrange indoor activities)

Potluck sign up

Meat dish
1) Fried Chicken - Tom
1) Micheal
1) Mr. Anderson (fruit)
2) Adrien
3) Ayane
Carbohydrate dish (rice, potato, pasta, etc)
1) Richard
2) Aoi
3) Pasta - Victoria
1) Mami Cheese Cake (coffee?)
2) Ray
1) EeHeng
2) Pudding Wilson

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

6/12 Homework

Homework: Read for 30 minutes, Math review for unit test, Spelling review words for spelling bee on Wednesday.

Monday, June 11, 2012

6/11 Homework

Homework: Read for 30 minutes, Reading WB 325-328, Social Studies sign presentation sheet, Spelling Review words from this semester for Spelling Bee on Wednesday. 

*Find out who is coming to the potluck on Friday. 

Potluck sign up 

Meat dish 
1) Fried Chicken - Tom
1) Micheal 
1) Mr. Anderson (fruit)
Carbohydrate dish (rice, potato, pasta, etc)
1) Richard
2) Aoi
3) Pasta - Victoria
1) Cheese Cake (coffee?)
1) EeHeng
2) Pudding Wilson

Friday, June 8, 2012

June 11-15

Good day once again to all second grade blog followers. 

This week has been business as usual for the second grade class and next week we will start winding things down to get ready for the end of the school year. It was great to see some of the parents at school to watch the students' final presentation. They have shown such improvement in their presentation skills.  Well done to all students! 

In Math this week we completed Chapter 22 - Subtracting Three Digit Numbers.  Next week we will review and take the Unit 8 test.  

For Reading class we read the story "Join the Circus" and next week we will read our last story "Raymond's Best Summer".  

The last spelling quiz will be held this coming Monday.   We will also be reviewing all the spelling words from this year and have an end-of-year Spelling Bee on Wednesday.

In Science this week we started a chapter called Objects in Motion where we learned about force, gravity and motion.  Next Friday will also be our end-of-year class party. 

Congratulations to Michael Wang for being this weeks student of the week. Michael has been very responsible in class and is always careful when taking tests. 

Dates to remember for next week (6/11 - 6/15)

Monday - Spelling quiz (machine, package, achieve, afraid, secret, degree, bother, rather, whether, reflect)

Wednesday - End-of-Year Spelling Bee Quiz based on the words we've used throughout the year

Wednesday - Math Unit 8 test

Friday - End-of-Year Class Party (see below for details)

Schedule for the second grade party

It is getting close to the end of a very successful year for the second grade class. We would like to have a day of celebration on Friday afternoon (6/15) to congratulate all the second graders for accomplishing so much this year and working so hard all year long. It has been a truly wonderful class and I am glad to see every single student show how he/she had enjoyed learning.  

Here is the schedule for the party. 

12:00- 12:30  - Art class with Mrs. Sugiura - Candle making time (Mrs. Sugiura, feel free to come in earlier to prepare if need be)

12:30 - 1:30  - Potluck lunch in the 2nd grade classroom. Parents can arrive at 12:15 to prepare your dish. All are welcome. Please plan to bring in enough for 12 students and approximately 15 adults.  

1:30 - 2:45  Water Fun! - Students bring your bathing suits and squirt guns for some outside fun and games (if raining I'll arrange indoor activities)

Potluck sign up 

Meat dish 
1) Micheal 
1) Mr. Anderson (fruit)
Carbohydrate dish (rice, potato, pasta, etc)
1) Richard

Please write below in the comment section of this blog post what you would like to bring to share in order to ensure we have all types of food covered. We can use trays and forks from the cafeteria, but please bring in your own serving utensils. 

6/8 Homework

Homework: Read for 30 minutes, Reading WB 317-324, Math sign quiz, Spelling review for quiz, Journal "What makes you feel sad and why?".

Thursday, June 7, 2012

6/7 Homework

Homework: Read for 30 minutes, Math Review for quiz, Reading WB 311-316.

Social Studies, Practice for invention presentation. Parents who are coming to watch the presentation please be in the classroom by 2:00 so we may start on time.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

6/6 Homework

Homework: Read for 30 minutes, Reading WB 306-310, Math WB 22.6, Practice for presentation.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

6/5 Homework

Homework: Reading WB 301-305, Math WB 22.5, Social Studies practice for presentation on Friday.

* Reminder - the students invention presentations are this Friday starting at 2:00 and parents are invited in to listen.

Monday, June 4, 2012

6/4 Homework

Homework: Read for 30 minutes, English sign test, Math WB 22.4, Spelling write sentence for new words (machine, package, achieve, afraid, secret, degree, bother, rather, whether, reflect).

Friday, June 1, 2012

June 4-8

It was nice to see so many parents here enjoying the children's art projects on Wednesday. 

As the second grade class moves through June there is yet much more to learn and explore before the end of the year. Please help by ensuring your child comes to school ready to learn until the very last day of school. 

In English class this week we took the Unit 9 quiz on Capitalization and Punctuation. Next week we will start Unit 10 and will be learning and writing about expressing an opinion. In Reading class we read the story called, "The School Mural" and next week we will read a story called, "Join the Circus".  In Math class we took the chapter 21 quiz on adding 3-digit numbers and have started chapter 22, subtracting 3 digit numbers. Next week in Science we will start chapter 12 called Objects in Motion and will be learning how to use simple machines. 

This week in Social Science we have been learning all about inventions and inventors. We researched a project where the students were to think up their own invention and write about it. We also researched real inventors and their inventions. Each student then chose one invention and did research about it. This will be the topic of next weeks class presentation afternoon which will be held on Friday (6/8) after lunch at 2:00 - 3:00pm. 

* During this presentation I would like to invite the parents into the classroom to watch the students individually talk about the invention they researched. 

Congratulations to Adrien for being this weeks student of the week. He has produced some wonderful art work for the art show this week.

June 4-8 
Monday Spelling quiz (treatment, painful, careless, fearful, beautiful, awful, resourceful, statement, peaceful, restless)
Friday Math chapter 22 quiz
Friday *All library books are due
Friday Invention Presentation 2:00pm parents are welcome to come and watch

Link to summer reading list

Have a great weekend and hope to see you next Friday at 2:00.

6/1 Homework

Homework: Read for 30 minutes, Journal "The perfect place in the whole wide world is....", Math WB 22.2-22.3, Reading WB 297-300.