Wednesday, June 13, 2012

6/13 Homework

Homework: Read for 30 minutes, Reading WB 329-332, English Blackline Master WB 82, 85.

Here is the schedule again for Friday.

12:00- 12:30  - Art class with Mrs. Sugiura - Candle making time (Mrs. Sugiura, feel free to come in earlier to prepare if need be)

12:30 - 1:30  - Potluck lunch in the 2nd grade classroom. Parents can arrive at 12:15 to prepare your dish. All are welcome. Please plan to bring in enough for 12 students and approximately 15 adults.

1:30 - 2:45  Water Fun! - Students bring your bathing suits and squirt guns for some outside fun and games (if raining I'll arrange indoor activities)

Potluck sign up

Meat dish
1) Fried Chicken - Tom
1) Micheal
1) Mr. Anderson (fruit)
2) Adrien
3) Ayane
Carbohydrate dish (rice, potato, pasta, etc)
1) Richard
2) Aoi
3) Pasta - Victoria
1) Mami Cheese Cake (coffee?)
2) Ray
1) EeHeng
2) Pudding Wilson

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