Friday, June 15, 2012

June 18-19

Dear Second Grade Blog Followers,

This will be my last weekly blog post of the year. Let me say from the bottom of my heart that this has been an amazing year.  It has impressed me to see the growth of all the second graders. It has been a pleasure to teach and learn from all the students throughout the year. Thank you to all the students for all your effort and willingness to be risk takers to overcome learning obstacles. Thank you to the parents for supporting your child's education and being involved and supportive. I will miss all the students very much.  

Students please continue to read and write journals entries over the summer and explore educational websites that can be found on my blog. Please also write me emails over the summer and let me know what you are up to -

On Wednesday we had our class Spelling Bee and Math Bee. Congratulations to everyone for impressive results. 

Spelling Bee awards 
1) Ee Heng
2) Wilson
3) Michael

Math Bee 
1) Aoi
2) Richard
3) Wilson

Monday (6/18) will be our final monthly assembly at 2:20. Some of the students (Adrien, Mami, Ayane, Victoria and Yvette) have been preparing a special end of the year song and dance during recess time that they would like to share with the school. Parents are welcome to come and watch. 

Congratulations to Wilson Tang for being this weeks student of the week. Wilson was a good class captain this week.  

Student of the Week

2nd grade class 2011-2012

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