Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Introduction Letter

Hsinchu International School

Dear Parents,

Welcome to the Second Grade Class for the 2012-2013 school year! 

My name is James Anderson and I will be your child’s homeroom teacher.  This is my third year at Hsinchu International School but I have been teaching elementary children for the past 7 years.  I am from the State of Oregon in the US.  My qualifications include a Bachelor degree from Oregon State University, Master’s Degree in Education from Framingham State College and an Elementary Teaching Certificate from the College of New Jersey.  I have taught in Peru and South Korea before moving to Taiwan four years ago.  

Being respectful, responsible, and cooperative are the three “umbrella” rules that I implement in my classroom.  I also believe in a student-centered approach to teaching that promotes learning by experience.  In the classroom students are encouraged to voice their own opinions, questions, and make connections to their real lives, making lessons meaningful to them.  I think by incorporating schoolyard and local community into classrooms, the gap between the school and real lives of the students can be bridged, adding further value to the classroom learning environment.

For the class, 20-40 minutes of homework will be assigned each day (excluding general reading time of 30 minutes).  These assignments are either drawn from the day’s lessons or designed to improve overall reading comprehension and writing skills.  If your child often finds the homework too hard or too easy, please let me know and I will make adjustments accordingly.  All students will write the day’s homework in a communication book before going home.  I request that you review the communication book each day and sign it before your child comes to school.  The communication book is a good way to communicate but feel free to stop in after class hours or write me an email if you would like to discuss matters further.

I will be updating the class blog regularly to share class information throughout the year.  Things to note on the blog include upcoming chapters of study, test dates, spelling test words, homework, pictures, educational websites, and other class related news.  The web address is  Type in your email address in the “Follow by Email” block on the right and you will get timely updates.  I make detailed posts every Friday and homework posts everyday so please check it out.

The class will have one snack time per day and all students are encouraged to bring in a healthy snack.  Please make sure your child is getting enough sleep and arrives at school on time and is ready for class.

Finally, I look forward to meeting your child as well as developing a strong partnership with you over the course of the school year. 


James Anderson

Student Supply List
1 box of Markers
1 box of Pencil Crayons or Crayons
1 Glue Stick
1 Fat Eraser
1 Ruler
1 Pair of Small Scissors
3-5 Pencils (Sharpened)
2 Red Pens
1 Pencil Case
1 Box of Tissues
1 Water Bottle
2 Folders (as in picture) One for Chinese/ESL and Music. 


A Healthy Snack Each Day
387ntd for class supplies (Portfolio Book, Spelling Notebook, Music Books and Portfolio Binder)
Appropriate clothing for PE class (Tuesday and Friday). Clothing for warmer weather includes shorts, t-shirt, hat and running shoes. For colder weather, exercise pants or loose pants, a loose shirt, running shoes and clothing layers in case the weather changes.
School Bag Size Restrictions (based on student locker 

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